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News (3355)

IVC Strategiemeeting

Thu, 05. September 2024

Jährliches IVC-Strategiemeeting: Weichenstellung für die Zukunft

Am 2. und 3. September 2024 fand bereits zum achten Mal das Strategiemeeting des Instituts für Visual Computing (IVC) der H-BRS statt. 23 Mitarbeiter des Instituts nutzten die Gelegenheit, um gemeinsam auf das vergangene Jahr zurückzublicken, aktuelle Herausforderungen zu analysieren und neue strategische Ziele zu formulieren.

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Nyasha Tirivayi Honorarprofessorin Ernennung FB Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung 2024-09-02_Foto Martin Schulz

Wed, 04. September 2024

Proven expert: Dr Nyasha Tirivayi new honorary professor

Dr Nyasha Tirivayi is the new Honorary Professor at the Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies.  

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Wed, 04. September 2024

Successful PhD Defence for Dirk Grommes

On 29 August, Dirk Grommes successfully defended his doctoral thesis in computational chemistry at the University of Koblenz. For his doctorate, he simulated the behaviour of plastics at molecular level. Computer-aided modelling can be used to predict the properties of plastics that are difficult or impossible to determine experimentally. This makes it possible to better describe the complex behaviour of plastics and to produce plastic products in a more resource-efficient way.

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Abschlussveranstaltung AWAKE Start-up-Manufaktur

Tue, 03. September 2024

Closing event of AWAKE: Women present their start-up ideas

With the AWAKE funding programme, H-BRS supports women in the first phase of their business start-ups. They now presented their business ideas at the final event.

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Teaser Placeholder

Tue, 03. September 2024

MSc Social Protection: Dates & Deadlines

On this page, you will find the most important dates and deadlines of the master's programme in Social Protection for the winter semester 2024/25.

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Schülerinnen MINT-Jahr 2024

Tue, 03. September 2024

Kick-off event for the new STEM year for schoolgirls at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

Opening of the new STEM year for schoolgirls at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.

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Prof. Mülheims auf der Abschlussfeier Hennef 2024

Mon, 02. September 2024

BA Unfallversicherung: Feierliche Verabschiedung des Jahrgangs 2021

Am vergangenen Freitag wurde der Bachelorjahrgang 2021 des Studiengangs Sozialversicherung feierlich verabschiedet.

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sprachenzentrum_unterricht_sta_20220401_foto_eric_lichtenscheidt_54_fs22.jpg (DE)

Mon, 02. September 2024

Register now! Workshops offered by the Language Centre

Discover the wide range of workshops in German and English offered by the Writing Centre, the Schreibzentrum and the Speaking & (Language-)Learning Lab in the winter semester!

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Antonio vor dem Mikro

Sun, 01. September 2024

Bildungsfenster: Fit für die mündliche Prüfung

In der neuen Podcast-Folge von "Bildungsfenster" gibt Antonio Wojahn, Sprachwissenschaftler und  Kommunikationscoach Tipps dazu, wie man sich für eine mündliche Prüfung gut wappnet und woran man neben der inhaltlichen Vorbereitung sonst noch achten sollte. 

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Anne Welzel Porträtfotio Wissenswert September 2024

Thu, 29. August 2024

Anne Welzel: For more health in everyday university life

Many employees find it difficult to make time for exercise and relaxation in their everyday lives. Anne Welzel's job at the Gesunde Hochschule ("Healthy university") is to create the necessary space to do just that. The foundations for her work have been with her since childhood. A portrait.

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FrOSCon 2024

Wed, 04. September 2024

Successful 19th FrOSCon 2024 on the H-BRS campus

On 17 and 18 August 2024, the 19th edition of FrOSCon (Free and Open Source Conference) took place on the campus of H-BRS. With 1,500 visitors, 83 workshops and talks, 119 speakers and 31 stands from project partners, the conference sent out a clear signal for the open source community.

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2024-08-21 Gamescom H-BRS Stand #2

Tue, 27. August 2024

A look back: H-BRS at Gamescom 2024

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) showcased projects from the teaching and research areas of game development, virtual reality and robotics at its stand at Gamescom

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Titelbild Projekt reTURN

Tue, 27. August 2024

reTURN project: Pilot reactor for renewable fuels will go into operation in 2025

Our cooperation partner CAPHENIA from the research project “reTURN - Recycling organic residues and CO2 into fuels” has received the final part of the newly designed reactor, which will produce renewable fuels in the future. With Prof. Dr. Stefanie Meilinger, the International Center for Sustainable Development (IZNE) at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) is responsible for the the life cycle assessment of the construction and operation of the new reactor.

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