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News (3355)

Hochschulpräsident Hartmut Ihne ist in das Kuratorium der Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden  berufen worden. Foto sef

Tue, 27. August 2024

H-BRS-Präsident Hartmut Ihne in Kuratorium der Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden berufen

University President Hartmut Ihne has been appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Development and Peace Foundation (sef:).

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Flaggen der Länder Albanien, USA, Kosovo

Mon, 26. August 2024

Experience report on the Prishtina International Summer University 2024

In July, Dr. Patrick Baues took part in the Prishtina International Summer University 2024 as a lecturer. He shares his impressions in the following report.

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Mon, 26. August 2024

Time to register for language courses in winter term 2024/25

The registration period for the courses of the Language Centre in winter semester 2024/25 starts on Monday, 26 August 2024 at 12:00 noon. The registration period runs up to 15 September including.

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Fri, 23. August 2024

Innovative ideas with impact at the Social Start-up Summer School 2024

The event provided a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to gain in-depth insights into the world of social entrepreneurship.

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Thu, 22. August 2024

Application deadline extended: Cyber Security & Privacy

There are still places available on the Cyber Security & Privacy bachelor's degree programme at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg for the winter semester 2024/2025. Applications are still possible until 30 September 2024.

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Bauarbeiten Schrankenanlage Zufahrt G-Gebäude 2024-08-20_Foto MS

Wed, 21. August 2024

Access road next to the G building: construction of the barrier system has begun

The preparatory construction work for the future barrier system at component G has begun.

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izne forschung boden martin hamer sta 20220511 foto eric lichtenscheidt 40 fs22.jpg

Tue, 20. August 2024

Agrarforschungstag NRW: Professor Martin Hamer moderiert Workshop über Bodenschutz

Am Donnerstag, den 29. August 2024, versammeln sich Expert:innen aus Forschung, Politik und Landwirtschaft zum Agrarforschungstag NRW 2024 in Düsseldorf. Ausgerichtet vom Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen soll es an diesem Tag um die Zukunft der Agrarwirtschaft gehen.  Vom Internationalen Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (IZNE) der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) wird Prof. Dr. Martin Hamer einen Workshop zum Thema „Bodenschutz“ leiten.

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Posterbild_Studieren an der HBRS

Mon, 19. August 2024

Video: Why studying at H-BRS is worthwhile

Frida wants to study, but isn't yet sure whether Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg is the right place for her. Leonie, Henrik, Hiba and Alex, who are already in the middle of their study adventure, tell us why H-BRS is worth it!

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Posterbild Video Elektrotechnik Studiengang

Mon, 19. August 2024

Video of the Bachelor's degree programme in Electrical Engineering

Electromobility, mobile communications or aerospace - well-trained electrical engineers are needed in all of these areas. H-BRS explains what the degree programme is all about in the video.

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Toni Loh Professorin Ernennung 2024-08-09

Thu, 15. August 2024

Toni Loh neue:r Professor:in für Angewandte Ethik

Toni (Janina) Loh vertritt an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) künftig das Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet „Angewandte Ethik, insbesondere Ethik und Transformation.“

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EcoTwin Screening Monitoring

Wed, 14. August 2024

Optimising urban green spaces with AI: New "EcoTwin" research project started

In August the new research project "EcoTwin - Digital Twin of Urban Green Spaces" started at the International Center for Sustainable Development (IZNE) under the direction of Prof. Martin Hamer. The aim is to use artificial intelligence to manage and optimise urban green spaces more effectively and thus reducethe effects of climate change in urban areas. The project runs until 2027 and uses modern sensors to develop data-based, site-specific solutions for the optimisation of green spaces.

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Tue, 13. August 2024

Alumni-Treffen mit Prof. Gerd Knupp: Olivenöle professionell verkostet

25 Alumni-Gäste konnten unter Anleitung von Chemie-Professor und Umweltanalytiker Gerd Knupp beim Alumni-Event am 6. August 2024 fünf Olivenöle aus ganz Europa verkosten. Eine professionelle Degustationsmatrix half bei der Prüfung von Aussehen, Geruch, Geschmack und Ausgewogenheit der Öle.

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Pepper Übergabe an H-BRS 2024-08-12_Foto Martin Schulz

Wed, 14. August 2024

New addition to the robot squad

 A humanoid robot of the ‘Pepper’ type has been added to the collection of study objects at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS).  

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