Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)

H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre

Key Visual Start-up-Manufaktur - H-BRS Gründungszentrum Neu
As the first point of contact for people interested in starting a business, the Start-up-Manufaktur at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences offers a wide range of services in the form of advice, events and courses on the subject of starting a business. We want to awaken your entrepreneurial spirit and guide you through the process of transforming your idea into reality. Whether you study with us, work at H-BRS or are one of our alumni, our offers are free of charge.

The Start-up-Manufaktur explained in 2 minutes

Thumbnail Start-up-Manufaktur Imagevideo
Die Start-up-Manufaktur in zwei Minuten.

Our upcoming events



Gründungsstammtisch / Regular's Table

Once a month, you can exchange ideas with like-minded people at our regulars' table, have your questions answered by experts or simply get an insight into the start-up scene. Come by, drinks are on us!

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Collage Gründungsstammtisch

Online-Infoveranstaltung Start-up Development and Impact Innovations (MBA)

"It's not only business anymore. It's more." – der MBA hat sich inhaltlich und strukturell weiterentwickelt: Das Programm wird zukünftig berufsbegleitend angeboten und legt seinen Schwerpunkt auf Innovationen mit Impact und den damit verbundenen Werten Purpose, Sustainability und Social. Geplanter Start: Sommersemester 2025.

Gleich für die Online-Infoveranstaltung, am Dienstag, 15. Oktober, ab 16 Uhr, anmelden und alle Insights zum neuen MBA-Konzept sowie natürlich alles Wissenswerte zum Bewerbungsprozess und den Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten erhalten.

Start up Cup Finale die Teams Foto Nathan Dreessen

Winners of the Start-up-Cup 2023 announced

In an exciting final on 19 October, five H-BRS teams competed for a place in the university's internal ideas competition. After an inspiring keynote speech by feelfood founder Franziska Schaal, the start-up teams had just five minutes to present their ideas and try to win over the judges and the audience.

Teaser Kooperation FoundFactory

Find your co-founder on FoundFactory

Are you looking for a co-founder for your start-up idea or would you like to join an existing idea? Do you want to find someone who not only has the necessary professional skills, but also fits well with you and shares your values and way of working? On the platform FoundFactory "for students" you can find co-founders who match your professional and personal profile.

The cooperation between Start-up-Manufaktur and FoundFactory allows H-BRS members free access to the platform.


Abschlussveranstaltung AWAKE Start-up-Manufaktur

Closing event of AWAKE: Women present their start-up ideas


Innovative ideas with impact at the Social Start-up Summer School 2024

Neues CENTIM-Direktorium Juli 2024 Deimel Sieber Maikranz und Vizepräsidentin Wirtz Foto CENTIM

Professor Martin Sieber verstärkt CENTIM-Direktorium

Pokale Start-up Cup 2024

Start-up-Cup 2024 – looking for applications

Kissia only has coffee on her mind

kissia praesentiert bohnen im meramanis cafe koeln 20230201 foto juri kuestenmacher 07.JPG
Quelle: H-BRS

Business administration student Kissia founded a coffee roasting company and opened a café "just like that" during her studies. Meramanis serves Indonesian coffee Java Banyubiru, among other things, as well as sweet and savory snacks.

Kissia is completing her internship semester in her own company, is a mentee in the Mentoring for Founders program and is in regular contact with our startup advisors.

and more

Key Visual Start-up-Manufaktur - H-BRS Gründungszentrum Neu

About Start-up-Manufaktur

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Partner network of the Start-up-Manufaktur

Finanzierung colourbox 30886987

Funding programmes for founders

Start-up Business_Start-up-Lexikon

Start-up dictionary

Stockphoto Fragebogen Entrepreneur-Check


Founding in Germany - Approved

Founding a Company in Germany

Teaser Placeholder

Patent- und Markenrecht

Förderlogos SUPRA-Projekt
The Start-up-Manufaktur is an initiative of CENTIM and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the EXIST programme (Logos: Exist.de)