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Graduate Institute

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Successful PhD Defence for Dirk Grommes
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PhD Scholarships for eight PhD Candidates
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Verleihung der Promotionsstipendien am 19.1.24
Best PhD Poster Award on Research Day
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TdF2023 Tag der Forschung PhD Award StA 20230621 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher 14.JPG
PhD Candidate Iman Awaad is co-chair at ICAPS conference in Prague
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20230713 Conference on Automated Planning ICAPS Prague
H-BRS doctoral student meets presidents of Malawi and Germany
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Doktorand Allex Semba trifft malawischen Präsident in Berlin

We promote early career scientists.

The GI is a central coordination unit for doctoral students. Therefore, our members are not only professors who supervise current doctoral projects, but first and foremost the doctoral students themselves. We offer professional and interdisciplinary qualification, networking, financial support and advice. In addition, the Graduate Institute sees itself as a link to the Doctoral College NRW, the network for early-career academics at universities of applied sciences (HAW) in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Upcoming events



Workshop Where (not) to publish - How to identify predatory publishers

The seminar will introduce you to techniques on how to identify dubious providers of journals and conferences. Within the course of this seminar participants will increase their sensitivity towards dubious offers. Moreover we will discuss what challenges are associated with Open Access publications.

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Bibliothek_journals.jpg (DE)



PhD Project Exhibition and Doctoral Seminar

The H-BRS Graduate Institute is organising a doctoral seminar in cooperation with three departments of the PK NRW (Informatics and Data Science, Technology and Cyber Physical Systems and Resources and Sustainability) and is asking for contributions from doctoral students on their own doctoral project. 

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TdF2023 Tag der Forschung Hochschulstrasse StA 20230621 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher 004.JPG

GI News

Verleihung der Promotionsstipendien am 19.1.24

Apply now: PhD Scholarships 2024


It's better to write together - writing groups in German and English

TdF2023 Tag der Forschung PhD Award StA 20230621 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher 14.JPG

Best PhD Poster Award on Research Day


Three H-BRS professors elected to the departmental directorates of PK NRW

For (prospective) PhD students

Our PhD Students

Information for PhD Supervisors

Information for PhD Alumni

About the Graduate Institute