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University and District Library

Good Research Practice, Guidelines and Data Protection

For better orientation with regard to guidelines and directives concerning research and handling of research data, we have compiled the most important information for you here.
Good Research Practice

The Rules of Good Research Practice were first established by the DFG in 2013 with the memorandum "Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice". In 2019, it was replaced by the Code of Conduct “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice”. To receive DFG funding, universities must comply with the code.

To work according to Good Scientific Practice means above all to act "lege artis" (source: Wikipedia):

  • according to the current state of science
  • according to the recognized rules of the respective scientific disciplines
  • according to social/legal norms
  • by using the best mental and physical skills and knowledge

Furthermore, it is important to maintain strict honesty with regard to one's own contributions and those of third parties, to consistently doubt all results oneself, and to allow and promote a critical discourse in the scientific community (DFG Code of Conduct).

Further principles include, amongst others, special attention to the generation and selection of data. Resulting results and methods should be documented in a comprehensible way and, if there is no obstacle, made available to the public.


Here is a compilation of the relevant guidelines for managing research data:

Data Protection

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg provides you with current information on data protection.

On the pages of the Institute for IT Service you will find a compilation of relevant documents and responsible persons, including the data protection commissioner.