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Department of Computer Science

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science
Collage Fachbereich Informatik 08-2023
Autumn party in the Department of Computer Science
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Application deadline extended: Cyber Security & Privacy
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Brückenkurse in den Bachelorstudiengängen WS 24/25 Informatik
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RoboCup World Cup 2024: b-it-bots take third place and receive open source award
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Robocup 2024 Team b-it-bots
A look back: H-BRS at gamescom 2024
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2024-08-21 Gamescom H-BRS Stand #2
The Department of Computer Science is defined by a young and modern character. The technical equipment, the individual support of the students, the good IT infrastructure and the excellent general study situation offer an optimal basis for successful studies. Research and teaching are closely linked in all courses. Thus, students not only benefit from the know-how of the individual research projects and professors, but can also actively participate in the successful projects.

News from the department

Portraet Ralf Mayer verstorben 2024 cut

Ralf Mayer deceased

2024 GameJam IVC H-BRS

GameJam 2024: Elastische Helden und kreative Meisterwerke

Robocup 2024 Team b-it-bots

RoboCup World Cup 2024: b-it-bots take third place and receive open source award

Bachelor's degree programmes

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Computer Science (BSc)

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Business Information Systems (BSc)

Studiengangsbild-Studiengangsseite Cyber Security (DE)

Cyber Security & Privacy (BSc)

Hand Stift Informatik (DE)

Computer Science dual (BSc)

Master's degree programmes

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Computer Science (MSc)

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Cyber Security & Privacy (MSc)

Studiengang MAS - Teasercut (DE)

Autonomous Systems (MSc)

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Visual Computing & Games Technology (MSc)

Events from the department



Welcome meeting for our new students in the MI and MCSP degree programmes for WS 24/25

The Department of Computer Science welcomes its new students to the Master of Computer Science (MI) and Master of Cyber Security & Privacy (MCSP) degree programmes.

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Erstsemesterbegrüßung MI SoSe2022



Welcoming the new Bachelor students for WS 2024/25

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science at H-BRS!

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Erstsemesterbegrüßung Bachelor Informatik



Welcoming the new students to the MVG degree programme for WS 24/25

Welcoming the new students to the Master Visual Computing & Games Technology (MVG) programme at H-BRS

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Fachbereichsratssitzung im FB Informatik September2024

Der Fachbereichsrat lädt zu seiner Sitzung ein.

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Zock 'n Friday

Every last Friday of the month, the IVC invites you to gamble in the Game Studio.

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Overview of the year 2024

All news and events of the year 2024 in the Department of Computer Science.