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Department of Computer Science

News from the Department of Computer Science

Current news and dates of the Department of Computer Science.
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Mon, 15. July 2024

Course enrolment for the winter semester 2024/25

The enrolment process for courses in the winter semester 2024/25 has begun. It ends on Wednesday, 31 July 2024, at 23:59.

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A2S institute at the DIGITAL@School event

Thu, 11. July 2024

Robot-assisted learning programs presented at the DIGITAL@School Campus 2024

Various learning activities that were developed in the context of the MigrAVE project were presented to an audience of young students between 3rd and 10th grade

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Data Saturday #50 - 2024

Fri, 05. July 2024

Data Saturday Rhineland 2024 a complete success

„Data Saturday“ was held for the ninth time at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Together with PASS Deutschland e. V. UG Rheinland, Professor Harm Knolle from the Department of Computer Science organised a varied programme for experts on the various data platforms from Microsoft and other manufacturers.

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Dr. Alexander Marquardt (IVC) präsentiert den mit Vago Solutions gemeinsam entwickelten KI Avatar mit eigenem deutschen Sprachmodell

Thu, 27. June 2024

Great interest in AI avatar at the Museumsmeilenfest in Bonn

At the Museumsmeilenfest, Dr Alexander Marquardt from the Institute for Visual Computing (IVC) at H-BRS presented the prototype of an innovative AI avatar together with Dr Daryoush Vaziri and David Golchinfar, the two founders of the company Vago Solutions. This avatar is based on the German language model SauerkrautLM, which was developed by Vago Solutions.

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UNB Predident Paul Mazerolle (l), Kenneth Kent and UNB Vice-President David MaGee

Fri, 14. June 2024

Kenneth Kent receives UNB's -Award for Excellence in Research

University of New Brunswick in Canada honours Prof. B. Kenneth Kent, Honorary Professor at H-BRS in the Department of Computer Science, for his outstanding achievements in research.

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Fachbereichsratssitzung im FB Informatik Juli 2024

Der Fachbereichsrat lädt zu seiner Sitzung ein.

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GameJam 2024 - creative chaos, thrills and lots of fun

The second H-BRS GameJam is just around the corner and you are cordially invited to take part! From 15 August at 10:00 to 18 August at 10:00, you have 72 hours to develop a game on a specific theme - three days full of creative chaos, thrills and lots of fun.

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GameJam 2024



19. Free and Open Source Software Conference (FrOSCon)

The Free and Open Source Software Conference (FrOSCon), an annual summer conference for users and developers of FOSS, will take place from 17 August to 18 August at the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences on the Sankt Augustin campus.

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Gamescom 2024 - We are part of it!

This year, the university is once again taking part in gamescom. The Department of Computer Science will be presenting exciting projects and providing information about the various degree programmes.

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Brückenkurse in den Bachelorstudiengängen WS 24/25 Informatik

Brückenkurse für die Erstsemester in den Bachelorstudiengängen Informatik

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