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About the university

The Administration of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

Campus StA Gebäude E Kunstwerk 20240101 Foto Christina Grommes 03
The administration is headed by the Chancellor and is divided into five units and one executive department: Administrative unit 1 (Facility Management, Building and Security), administrative unit 2 (Human Resources), administrative unit 3 (Finance and Purchasing), administrative unit 4 (University Planning, Organisation and Controlling), administrative unit 5 (Student Affairs and Student Advice Centre) and Law and Compliance Staff Unit.

The university administration shall ensure the fulfilment of the university's tasks in planning, administration and legal matters in accordance with the legal requirements. In doing so, it must work towards the economic use of budget funds and the economic use of the university facilities. The administrative affairs of the university's bodies and committees are also handled exclusively by the university administration. In particular, it supports the members of the rectorate and the deans in their tasks.

In the sense of good governance, it is also one of the tasks of the university administration to provide structures and processes so that tasks in teaching, research and transfer are carried out efficiently and in a transparent and trusting manner that involves all participants.

Units of the administration

Themenbild Gebäudedezernat

Administrative unit 1: Facility Management, Building and Safety


Administrative unit 2: Human Resources

Themenbild Verwaltung

Administrative unit 3: Finance and Purchasing

Themenbild Planung und Controlling

Administrative Unit 4: Planning, Organisation and Controlling

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Administrative unit 5: Student Affairs and Student Advice Centre

Law and Compliance staff unit

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Legal Affairs

Themenbild Innenrevision

Internal audit office of H-BRS

Personal Data Security - Datenschutz

The Data Protection Commissioner


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Angela Fischer



Sankt Augustin


E 224


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


Chancellor's Office


E 224


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 606

Opening hours

On weekdays: According to prior agreement.