Graduate Institute

Successful PhD Defence for Dirk Grommes


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Plastic packaging should be sufficiently stable but use as little material as possible.

On 29 August, Dirk Grommes successfully defended his doctoral thesis in computational chemistry at the University of Koblenz. For his doctorate, he simulated the behaviour of plastics at molecular level. Computer-aided modelling can be used to predict the properties of plastics that are difficult or impossible to determine experimentally. This makes it possible to better describe the complex behaviour of plastics and to produce plastic products in a more resource-efficient way.

The supervisors and reviewers were Prof Dr Dirk Reith from H-BRS and Prof Dr Wolfgang Imhof from the University of Koblenz. In addition, Prof Dr Christian Fischer (also from the University of Koblenz) was a member of the examination board for the final oral examination. The work was supported by a doctoral scholarship from the Dr Reinold Hagen Foundation. 

If you were to explain it to a non-specialist in 3-5 sentences: What were the main results of your doctorate?

‘The exciting question of my research was how it is possible to simulate at least parts of a complex plastics processing procedure - specifically extrusion blow moulding for the production of bottles and canisters of all kinds - on a microscopic level on the computer. For this purpose, the method of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was used to model the plastic polyethylene in its (almost) atomistic structure in simulation calculations.

The results show that it is possible to determine material characteristics that can otherwise only be determined experimentally by using MD simulations. These include important parameters in engineering applications such as the modulus of elasticity, the yield stress or the coefficient of thermal expansion. At the same time, it was possible to demonstrate the micromechanical behaviour of the polymer chains during processing. The observed interplay of orientations of polymer chains and their interconnections explains the formation of microstructures, in particular crystalline areas. The results enable a deeper understanding of the interpretation of locally occurring effects during plastics processing.’


What are your career plans for the near future?

‘I would like to stay in science in the future and continue to be actively involved in research projects as well as teaching. This means that I will remain at the university after completing my doctorate. On 1 September, I started my post-doc position in the ‘AdTTSWes’ research project with Prof Christian Dresbach at the Rheinbach site. There I will be able to work experimentally and via finite element simulation on the adhesion and delamination behaviour of transdermal therapeutic systems. But molecular dynamics simulation will also continue to play a daily role for me in close contact with Dirk Reith.’

Dirk Grommes with his supervisors and members of his research group


Is there a tip you would like to give our current doctoral students?


‘I can recommend current doctoral candidates to generally have (a lot of) stamina. The setbacks that inevitably occur again and again are simply part of the journey towards the big goal. It's worth overcoming them and simply celebrating milestones, such as the publication of your own scientific papers, in the middle of it all.

However, the final metres in particular - when it's ‘just a matter of writing it up’ - can be extremely time-consuming and nerve-wracking. This final phase should definitely not be underestimated in terms of the time required. A personal environment that provides additional support is priceless.’


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Dirk Grommes

PhD student


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