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Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)

Events on the topic of entrepreneurship

From information events to practical workshops and networking get-togethers: We offer a diverse mix of events on the topic of entrepreneurship to give you a better understanding of start-ups and to prepare you to launch your own business.



Gestaltet die Zukunft - Social Start-up Summer School

5 days on the way to your own business: that's the Start-up Spring School from the Transfer Center enaCom of the University of Bonn and the Start-up-Manufaktur. Here you develop your own ideas in teams with the help of our coaches, right up to the pitch. We provide you with everything you need to know about starting a business and the latest methods for developing innovations and your own business concepts.

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Teaser Social Start-up Summer School 2024



Gründungsstammtisch / Regular's Table

Once a month, you can exchange ideas with like-minded people at our regulars' table, have your questions answered by experts or simply get an insight into the start-up scene. Come by, drinks are on us!

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Teaser Gründungsstammtisch



AWAKE Showcase: Abschlussevent des Gründerinnenprogramms

On Thursday, 10 October 2024, the Audimax will be transformed into a stage for the five best H-BRS start-up teams to pitch for the Start-up Cup and up to €2,500 in prize money! 

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Teaser AWAKE Gründerinnenprogramm



Online Workshop: Your research's potential

How much of an innovator is in you? Explore the Design Thinking techniques in small teams with the help of the online collaboration tool MIRO. Based on practical examples, you learn how to empathise with users, as well as brainstorm and assess ideas to prepare for the rapid prototyping finale.

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Banner Workshop Your Research's Potential (YES)



Finale of the Start-up-Cup 2024

On Thursday, 10 October 2024, the Audimax will be transformed into a stage for the five best H-BRS start-up teams to pitch for the Start-up Cup and up to €2,500 in prize money! 

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Banner Finale Start-up-Cup 2024
Rohbild Gründungsstammtisch
Entrepreneurship regulars' table

You want to meet like-minded people, brainstorm ideas for the future together or exchange information about start-ups, innovations or ideas? At our Gründungsstammtisch you can network with other start-up enthusiasts. In addition to free drinks, there are alternating guests or topic inputs.

The regulars' table takes place every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5 to 7 p.m. in the at Bonn Central Station and is a joint offer of the Start-up-Manufaktur, the University of Bonn and the

You can also stay up to date on our events via LinkedIn and Instagram.


Past events

Teaser Veranstaltung Intrapreneurship

Intrapreneurship: Soft Skills für selbständiges Handeln


finale of the Start-up-Cup 2022


Startkapital gesucht: Bankenfinanzierung für Start-ups

Banner No Limits

No Limits – Hürden überwinden und Lösungen entwickeln

Teaser MedTech Event Januar 2023

MedTech meets Start-up

Teaser Start-up Spring School

Start-up Spring School 2023

Teaser Bootstrapping-Event

Bootstrapping 101 - Founding without capital

Content Teaser Sustainable Start-up Days

Sustainable Start-up Days

Banner CyberSecurity Hackathon

IT/Cyber Security Bonn Hackathon 2023

Teaser Event Founding For Non-EU-nationals

Starting a Business in Germany (for non-EU-nationals)

Start-up Summer School 2023 Teaser

Start-up Summer School 2023

Banner Let's Explore

LET’S EXPLORE – nebenberufliche Gründung

Recurring events

Many of our events take place on a regular basis. Find out more about our recurring dates here.

Start-up live.png

Start-up live – founding stories

At "Start-up live" you get authentic insights into the world of start-ups. Founders talk openly and honestly about their experiences and tell their very personal start-up stories.

And because every start-up is individual, every "Start-up live" is different. Stay tuned to see which founders will be sharing their stories and answering your questions in the future.

Have you founded a company yourself and would like to share your story? Then get in touch with us and become a guest at "Start-up live".



Starke Start-up Partner

The start-up scene is all about networking: We share know-how, ideas and stories and benefit from the experience and knowledge of others. Start-up-Manufaktur can count many successful players from the regional start-up ecosystem among its partners.

In our event series "Strong Start-up Partners", many of them introduce themselves on our virtual stage to present their programmes or offers, answer questions and share their knowledge.

A look back: our past events

  • Entrepreneurship Summer School 2022 (August 2022)
  • Vortragsabend: Disruptive Innovation in der Biotechnologie und Bioökonomie – Chancen für Bio Tech Start Ups? (Juni 2022)
  • Workshop zur Produktvalidierung mit dem Code-Studio squareware: "Pretotyping - Produkte schnell und effizient validieren" (Juni 2022)
  • Workshop zur Erarbeitung des eigenen "Warum": Your Purpose: Erarbeite deinen eigenen Purpose und dein persönliches Why (November 2021)
  • Online-Workshop für Wissenschaftler:innen und Doktorand:innen: From PhD to Innovator (veranstaltet von "Young Entrepreneurs in Science") (November 2021 und Juli 2022)
  • Entrepreneurship World Café: Green Business + Female Empowerment - Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Respekt! Aktionszeitraums (Oktober 2021) 
  • Entrepreneurship Summer School 21 (August 2021)
  • Panel-Diskussion mit Gründerinnen zum Thema Mut: CIRCLE meets Region Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (Mai 2021)
  • Networkingveranstaltung mit Impulsvorträgen: Business meets Technology – ISM x H-BRS (Mai 2021)

Our previous speakers at Start-up live: 

  • Thilo Kanther von Pepa Lani
  • Sebastian Kawelke und Tim-Lukas Bastin von l3montree
  • Start-up live (English edition): Désirée, founder of WoMentor
  •  Aus der "Höhle der Löwen" nach Sankt Augustin: Start-up live mit "Grundriss in Lebensgröße"

Our previous guests at "Starke Start-up Partner": 

  • High-Tech Gründerfonds
  • Digital Hub
  • Science to Startup Bonn, e.V.
  • Kreissparkasse Köln
  • Horbach
  • IHK + H-BRS zu Unternehmensnachfolge
  • EXIST-Programm mit dem Projektträger Jülich (gemeinsam veranstaltet mit dem Transfer Center enaCom der Universität Bonn)

Förderlogos SUPRA-Projekt
Förderlogos SUPRA-Projekt
