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Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)


"Do I have what it takes to start my own business?" If you want to find out, you can have your personality tested for entrepreneurial characteristics with the help of the Entrepreneur Check. The result will help you to better understand yourself as a founder.
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As part of a research cooperation between CENTIM and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), founders and people interested in founding a company have the opportunity to test their entrepreneurial skills with the help of a scientifically based test. With the Entrepreneur Check, you can find out whether your personality traits are beneficial to entrepreneurial success.

 After completing the test, the online tool will give you scientifically based feedback on personality traits such as innovativeness, risk-taking, perseverance, self-control and resilience.
The Entrepreneur Check is free of charge for students and employees of the H-BRS.

The results of the test can be accessed directly, and you will also receive recommendations for action and further information. Further information on the Entrepreneur Check can be found below under "Entrepreneur Check - Background of the tool".

A PIN is required to access the Entrepreneur Check. Those interested can contact the Start-up-Manufaktur directly to receive the access code.

Förderlogos SUPRA-Projekt
The Start-up-Manufaktur is an initiative of CENTIM and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the EXIST programme (Logos:


Personenbild Karoline Noth_2025

Karoline Noth

Research assistant, H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre, Project Coordination Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin (SUPRA)




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+49 2241 865 9850


Sankt Augustin


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Sankt Augustin
