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International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE)

IZNE Logo ohne Text
The International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE) is a scientific institution, committed to sustainable development and responsible social action, with its teaching, research and transfer activities firmly grounded on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The institute is practice-oriented and as such aims to initiate or support sustainable reform, innovation and transformation processes.
Themenfeld Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung Titelbild

Health and Social Protection


Soils and Biomass

Title Verantwortungsvolles Wirtschaften

Responsible Economy and Natural Resources


Sustainable Technologies and Resource Usage

Questions on research: Our topics explained in 5 minutes

Fragen zur Forschung mit Katja Bender YouTube Poster
Short video interview on the topic "Health and Social Protection" with Prof. Dr. Katja Bender (english subtitles available)
Fragen zur Forschung mit Martin Hamer YouTube Poster
Short video interview on the topic "Soils and Biomass" with Prof. Dr. Martin Hamer (english subtitles available)
Fragen zur Forschung mit Stefanie Meilinger YouTube Poster
Short video interview on the topic "Sustainable Technologies and Resource Usage" with Prof. Dr. Stefanie Meilinger (english subtitles available)
Interfaces Workshop 5. Juni 2024

Perspectives on funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa

KLUGER Transfer Lehre - Frank Dieball und Team bei der EDUCON 2024

KLUGER Education Team at the IEEE EDUCON 2024

Woche der Umwelt Berlin 2024 - Meilinger beim Fachforum

Professor Stefanie Meilinger at the Week of the Environment in Berlin - Forum Hydrogen

The Life Cycle Initiative

How does biogenic carbon affect the climate? Professor Meilinger appointed Co-Chair of the Biogenic Carbon LCA Group

DINA_Malaisefallen (DE)

DINA – Diversity of insects in nature conservation areas

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Networked Rainland

EnerSHelf: PV-Module (DE)

EnerSHelf – Energy supply for health care facilities in Ghana

photogen_ausstellung_2017_landschaft.jpg (DE)

INTERFACES – Supporting Development Pathways for Sustainable Land Management in Africa

Key Visual Kluger Transfer mit weissem HG

KLUGER TRANSFER – Climate - Environment - Health - Transfer

Titelbild Projekt reTURN

reTURN - Recycling organic residues and CO2 into fuels

Colourbox Nr. 1908005.jpg (DE)

NELIPRO – Next Level Lightweight Production

Strommast colourbox 4964709 Teaserbild liz (DE)

ONE HEALTH II – Understanding metropolitan regions holistically

izne forschung meteorologie sta 20220511 foto eric lichtenscheidt 24 fs22.jpg

EnMET – The Energy Meteorology Laboratory

About us




Our Aim


Our View on Sustainability

IZNE Leitung November 23


COLOURBOX22476652 Doktoranden, Promovierende

Doctoral students

COLOURBOX36254967 Publikationen


COLOURBOX57074878 Studienangebote

Study opportunities

Do you have questions?

Contact International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE)
