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Department of Engineering and Communication

All news from the department Engineering and Communication

News (3824)

KLUGER Transfer Lehre - Frank Dieball und Team bei der EDUCON 2024

Tue, 04. June 2024

KLUGER Education Team at the IEEE EDUCON 2024

In May, the team from the KLUGER Transfer research project - Education sub-project participated in the IEEE EDUCON Conference 2024. The event, organized by the IEEE Education Society, provided a platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and best practices in the field of engineering and science. Frank Dieball, research assistant at H-BRS, and his student assistants Florian Bahl and Philipp Kruppe represented the KLUGER Transfer research project on the island of Kos (Greece) and presented their interesting approaches to student-centered teaching.

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SDG Teaserbild UN (DE)

Mon, 03. June 2024

Neuer Blogbeitrag: Alternative Kraftstoffe - Abheben ohne schlechtes Gewissen

Reisen sind ein fester Bestandteil unseres Lebens, doch mit der zunehmenden Sensibilität für nachhaltiges Handeln stellen sich viele die Frage: Wie kann ich mein Traumziel umweltfreundlich erreichen? Besonders der Luftverkehr, der 2023 rund 22 Prozent der gesamten deutschen Treibhausgasemissionen ausmachte, steht im Fokus dieser Überlegungen.

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Schreibretreat_Studierende im Feedbackgespräch_Foto Suhasini Venkatesh_210723

Wed, 10. April 2024

Register now: Writing Retreat - spending some time away from the campus dedicated to your writing

Are you already or will you soon be writing your Bachelor / Master thesis? How about spending 3 days away from the campus, dedicated to your writing and surrounded by others doing the same?

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Buchcover Lehrbuch Verbraucherinformatik 2024 Boden Stevens et alii

Fri, 31. May 2024

New textbook on digital consumption has been published

The Institute for Digital Consumption at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) has published the first textbook on digital consumption (consumer informatics).

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Neandertaler Avatar IVC

Mon, 03. June 2024

Virtual encounter with a Neandertal avatar

Bonn, 15 - 16 May 2024: The Institute for Visual Computing (IVC) at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences was a hit at this year's Bonn Science Night.

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studierende vor whiteboard fotolia_104849314_xxl-fb-sv.jpg (DE)

Wed, 29. May 2024

Neue Weiterbildung „Präventionsberater:in“ (IHK) ab Januar 2025

Die Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg bietet seit 2017 die Weiterbildung „Prävention und Employability“ an. In den Jahren 2023/24 wurde sie grundlegend überarbeitet und mit der Weiterbildungsgesellschaft der IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg gGmbH ein neuer Kooperationspartner gefunden.

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Günter-Walraff-Preis 2024 Haarkötter

Tue, 28. May 2024

Günter-Wallraff-Preis für Pressefreiheit und Menschenrechte verliehen

Auch in diesem Jahr hat die Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung (INA) e.V., die mit vielen Aktivitäten im Fachbereich Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung aktiv ist, zusammen mit dem Namensgeber, Investigativjournalist Günter Wallraff, den Günter-Wallraff-Preis für Pressefreiheit und Menschenrechte vergeben.

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Verleihung der Promotionsstipendien am 19.1.24

Tue, 28. May 2024

Apply now: PhD Scholarships 2024

The Graduate Institute (GI), the Institute for Safety and Security Research (ISF) and the Department of Computer Science of the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg are announcing several PhD scholarships for academic staff, teaching staff and graduates of the H-BRS. Applicants with an excellent degree which generally entitles them to study for a PhD are welcome to apply.

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Dekanat FB05 Richard Jäger und Johannes Steinhaus

Tue, 28. May 2024

Department of Natural Sciences: Deanship confirmed in office

Department of Natural Sciences: Deanship confirmed in office. Prof. Dr. Richard Jäger extends his term of office as Dean of the Department of Natural Sciences. Prof. Dr. Johannes Steinhaus remains Vice Dean.

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Call for Events Respekt!

Tue, 11. June 2024

Respekt! Diversity Day: Call for Events 2024

The Respekt! Diversity Day will take place on 16 and 17 October 2024. 

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BildungsMehrMut_Rexrodt-Christian_web_foto-privat.jpg (DE)

Mon, 27. May 2024

Neuer Dekan und Prodekan am Fachbereich 06

Neuer Dekan und Prodekan am FB06

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RO-MAN 2024 logo

Sun, 26. May 2024

Papers by the Autonomous Systems Group accepted at RO-MAN 2024

The work presented in the papers was conducted in the context of the now-completed MigrAVE project

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Wed, 05. June 2024

Department of Computer Science: Dean's office confirmed

Prof Dr Sascha Alda extends his term of office as Dean of the Department of Computer Science. Prof Dr Matthias Bertram remains Vice Dean.

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