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News (3852)

Bibliothek Medienausstellung Sommer 2024

Wed, 10. July 2024

Summer in the library: It's time to read some new books

The library has some reading tips for the summer months.

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Design Thinking 2024

Wed, 10. July 2024

About wild bees and scrap bikes: final presentation in the Design Thinking seminar

At the final event of the Design Thinking seminar in the Sustainable Engineering course on June 26, the students presented the prototypes they had developed for specific problems during the summer semester. Seminar leader Corinna Ruppel was very excited when the Sustainable Engineering students presented their prototypes. This year's cooperation partners for the event from the Department of Engineering and Communication (IWK) were the economic development department of the city of Bonn, the German Cyclists' Association (adfc) and the young company flowbee from Troisdorf.

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DATI Treffen der Projektbeteiligten 2024-07-02_Foto Martin Schulz

Tue, 09. July 2024

H-BRS sprintet los: Forschungsministerium fördert vier innovative Projekte

„Innovationssprints“ des Bundesforschungsministeriums: Die H-BRS ist mit vier innovativen Projekten dabei.  

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20181005_fbinf-ivc_kruijff_ernst_hololens-teaser.jpg (DE)

Mon, 08. July 2024

Ernst Kruijff: Niederländischer Meister

Verbunden ist der Name von Professor Ernst Kruijff an der Hochschule mit seiner Arbeit im Institut für Visual Computing (IVC), dessen Co-Direktor er seit Anfang 2021 ist, und mit dem 2022 eröffneten Game Studio, in dem Studierende eigene Computerspiele entwickeln und testen.

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Gruppenfoto Nachhaltigkeitstreffen in Rheinbach. Foto: Christiane Flüter-Hoffmann

Mon, 08. July 2024

Nachhaltigkeit: Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen NRW-Hochschulen

Treffen zwischen Vizepräsidentinnen, einem Prorektor für Nachhaltigkeit sowie Klimaschutz- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanager:innen am Campus Rheinbach.

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MINT-Projekt Abschlussveranstaltung mit Gesche Neusel 20240702_Foto Martin Schulz

Mon, 08. July 2024

Sie haben es gemacht: MINT-Projekt feiert Abschluss

Am 2. Juli fand in der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg die Abschlussveranstaltung des Projektes „Lasst uns mal machen!“ statt. Im Projekt haben sich Schülerinnen mit MINT-Themen beschäftigt.

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Mon, 08. July 2024

Register now: Intensive English course in the leture-free period

Would you like to brush up on your English or is your existing knowledge not sufficient to cope well with your studies? Then the intensive English course is just right for you!

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University:Future Festival

Tue, 02. July 2024

Presentation of the sub-project E365 Maverick at the University:Future Festival in Berlin

Benedikt Haag, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, and two employees from the network partner Bechtle GmbH und Co. KG presented the E 365 Maverick sub-project and its contribution to the data room component at the University:Future Festival in Berlin.

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Rein ins Studium_Ersti-Programm_Allgemeine Studienberatung_englisch

Tue, 02. July 2024

Diving Into Your Studies: the Freshers' Programme of the Student Advice Centre

A successful start to studies requires sufficient time, a little practice and some knowledge. This is exactly where the Student Advice Centre's optional Freshers' Programme comes in. With ‘Diving Into Your Studies’, first semester students are offered individual support in the still unfamiliar everyday life of studying.

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Grafik SOS Ersti-Hilfe-Hotline Studienberatung 56899792 Colourbox

Tue, 02. July 2024

Freshers' Help Hotline

Freshers' Help Hotline Hotline for all questions regarding a successful start to your studies. The telephone consultation hours are aimed at first-semester students of the H-BRS.

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Data Saturday #50 - 2024

Fri, 05. July 2024

Data Saturday Rhineland 2024 a complete success

„Data Saturday“ was held for the ninth time at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Together with PASS Deutschland e. V. UG Rheinland, Professor Harm Knolle from the Department of Computer Science organised a varied programme for experts on the various data platforms from Microsoft and other manufacturers.

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Delegation der NAW.NRW im Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW. Foto: MKW

Mon, 01. July 2024

Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen der NRW-Hochschulen im Wissenschaftsministerium präsentiert

Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der 21 Hochschulen der Nachhaltigkeitsallianz stellten ihre gemeinsamen Initiativen im Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft NRW vor.

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Studierende Erstsemester 20230922 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher cut

Mon, 01. July 2024

Apply now for a Bachelor's degree programme at H-BRS

Individual support, respectful cooperation and excellent facilities: you can lay the foundation for your career with a Bachelor's degree programme at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

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