Department of Management Sciences

Presentation of the sub-project E365 Maverick at the University:Future Festival in Berlin

University:Future Festival

Tuesday 2 July 2024

The University:Future Festival took place from June 5 to 7, 2024 at five locations throughout Germany. The focus was on the (digital) future of academic education.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research's "Mein Bildungsraum" initiative was presented at the various locations. In Berlin, Benedikt Haag from Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg as well as Andreas Böttcher and Florian Sagolla from the project partner Bechtle GmbH & Co. KG presented the E365 Maverick sub-project and its contribution to the data room component. The topics of skill taxonomies and adaptive individual learning paths, which can be created with the help of artificial intelligence, aroused particular interest.


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Benedikt Haag

Research Assistant, Data Protection Coordinator for the Department of Management Sciences (Sankt Augustin) and the Institute of Management


Sankt Augustin




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