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News (3852)

Posterbild Video Elektrotechnik Studiengang

Mon, 19. August 2024

Video of the Bachelor's degree programme in Electrical Engineering

Electromobility, mobile communications or aerospace - well-trained electrical engineers are needed in all of these areas. H-BRS explains what the degree programme is all about in the video.

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Toni Loh Professorin Ernennung 2024-08-09

Thu, 15. August 2024

Toni Loh neue:r Professor:in für Angewandte Ethik

Toni (Janina) Loh vertritt an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) künftig das Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet „Angewandte Ethik, insbesondere Ethik und Transformation.“

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EcoTwin Screening Monitoring

Wed, 14. August 2024

Optimising urban green spaces with AI: New "EcoTwin" research project started

In August the new research project "EcoTwin - Digital Twin of Urban Green Spaces" started at the International Center for Sustainable Development (IZNE) under the direction of Prof. Martin Hamer. The aim is to use artificial intelligence to manage and optimise urban green spaces more effectively and thus reducethe effects of climate change in urban areas. The project runs until 2027 and uses modern sensors to develop data-based, site-specific solutions for the optimisation of green spaces.

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alumni-va-olivenoel-2024-08-06_ (26).JPG

Tue, 13. August 2024

Alumni-Treffen mit Prof. Gerd Knupp: Olivenöle professionell verkostet

25 Alumni-Gäste konnten unter Anleitung von Chemie-Professor und Umweltanalytiker Gerd Knupp beim Alumni-Event am 6. August 2024 fünf Olivenöle aus ganz Europa verkosten. Eine professionelle Degustationsmatrix half bei der Prüfung von Aussehen, Geruch, Geschmack und Ausgewogenheit der Öle.

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Studentin liest am Tablet

Tue, 13. August 2024

Library: 30 August company outing (open with security service), 31 August/1 September closed (power cut)

On 30 August the library is open at both locations from 8:00 to 18:00 with security service. On 31 August/1 September 2024 the library will be closed due to work on the university's central power supply.

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Pepper Übergabe an H-BRS 2024-08-12_Foto Martin Schulz

Wed, 14. August 2024

New addition to the robot squad

 A humanoid robot of the ‘Pepper’ type has been added to the collection of study objects at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS).  

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Summer School Metropolia 2024 / Helsinki-Finnland Prof. Dr.Norbert Jung

Wed, 09. August 2023

Successful completion of the "Colour Science" course at the ICT Summer School 2024 in Helsinki

At the ICT Summer School 2024 at Metropolia University in Finland, Prof. Norbert Jung (H-BRS) and the participants focused on the topic of colour science. (ICT = Information and Communication Technologies).

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Wed, 14. August 2024

Writing Retreat 2.0 on the "Magic Mountain"

Following the success of the tradition started last year, 8 German and international students spent 3 intensive days in July on the Zauberberg (translated: Magic Mountain) at the Theodor Heuss Academy in Gummersbach. All the students were working on their Bachelor / Master thesis or R&D report and were guided and supported by Gabriele Menne-El-Sawy and Jill Yates.

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Diversitäts-Vizepräsident Jürgen Bode im YouTube-Interview

Thu, 29. August 2024

What is the university doing to combat discrimination? Interview with Vice President Jürgen Bode

What is discrimination? What does Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences do about it? Who can I turn to in the event of discrimination? An interview with Diversity Vice President Jürgen Bode.

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Diversity Donnerstag_Allyship

Thu, 08. August 2024

Diversity Thursday: Allyship

The Diversity Management team at H-BRS regularly focuses on diversity aspects and anti-discrimination issues on Thursdays in the form of "Diversity Thursdays". Today's Diversity Thursday addresses the topic of allyship.

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Neues CENTIM-Direktorium Juli 2024 Deimel Sieber Maikranz und Vizepräsidentin Wirtz Foto CENTIM

Wed, 07. August 2024

Professor Martin Sieber verstärkt CENTIM-Direktorium

Professor Martin Sieber bildet nun gemeinsam mit Professor Klaus Deimel und Frank C. Maikranz, Projektleiter des Start-up-Programms, das Direktorium des CENTIM.

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Bibliothek Laptop Zotero

Wed, 10. July 2024

Citavi campus license expires on 31 January 2025

Since the beginning of 2010, the library has provided you with a Citavi campus license. Countless theses and knowledge projects have been successfully supported by this program. Nevertheless, this license will not be extended due to the current provider conditions, and will expire on 31 January 2025. With this decision, we are joining numerous other libraries that have also spoken out against further licensing. If you are writing a scientific paper that is due after the license expires, it is important to back up all your references and documents beforehand or to migrate your Citavi project to an alternative program or a private Citavi license. For future use, we recommend the open source literature management program Zotero, which is available for all operating systems free of charge. In the upcoming winter semester, we will be offering training and advice specifically on switching from Citavi to Zotero and on working with Zotero itself. In the coming weeks, we will keep you up to date and provide you with further information on our trainings and advisory services. More English-language information will be provided promptly.

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Alumni Reise Ghana 2024_Foto Barbara Wieners-Horst

Mon, 29. July 2024

Alumni Seminar in Ghana: Advancing Social Protection in West Africa

The five-day alumni conference of the Master's degree program “Social Protection” at H-BRS was opened in style on Monday, July 29, 2024, with a reception at the German Embassy in Accra, Ghana.

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