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Department of Natural Sciences

Sustainable Chemistry and Materials (BSc)

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In our bachelor's degree programme Sustainable Chemistry and Materials (BSc) students learn how innovative processes and new materials are created for a resource-saving future. Sustainability is complex and depends on many factors. Chemistry and materials science are key to a sustainable approach to nature.

You can learn in this degree programme how innovative processes and new materials for a resource-saving future are created

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In your studies, you learn important scientific basics, methods and use the latest techniques and analytical equipment. Your lecturers are active in research projects and work, for example, on producing films or polystyrene packaging from sustainable raw materials instead of petroleum, or they develop new processes for drinking water treatment with ozone.

Marla and Simon present the Sustainable Chemistry and Materials degree programme

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Der Studiengang Nachhaltige Chemie und Materialien

Study content

This degree programme offers you a successful combination of a research-oriented chemistry degree with the technology- and application-oriented materials sciences. You expand this knowledge with various aspects and methods of sustainability. The study programme is designed for six semesters and includes a three-month practical phase in a company, a research institution or a university institute.

You can gain practical work experience, participate in research projects and learn about current sustainability issues in chemistry and materials science.

You can also set individual focuses through elective courses. Courses from areas such as business administration, management, law and occupational safety round off your academic education.

Focus sustainability

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Sustainability is a guiding principle for Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. It also sets corresponding focuses in its teaching. For example, the Bachelor's degree programme focuses on solid basic knowledge and opportunities for specialisation in selected topics such as the environment, climate, renewable raw materials and sustainability strategies.

„I chose this degree programme because I am interested in contributing to sustainability in the chemical and/or materials processing industry. I particularly like the practical focus in the lab and the unique combination of chemistry and materials science. What makes this degree programme even more enjoyable is the family atmosphere and the fact that we support each other and are there for each other. This makes learning even more fun!”

Nadia Ausoni - Studierende

Portrait Nadia Ausoni Fachbereich AnNa

Five good reasons for the degree programm

  1. Your lecturers have many years of practical experience.
  2. You will study at an excellently equipped and manageable campus.
  3. Small study groups enable you to make good contact with other students and lecturers.
  4. You will study at a research-intensive university of applied sciences with a focus on sustainability.
  5. In the study workshop, you can fill in any gaps from your science classes with students from higher semesters or lecturers.



Bachelor's degree

Standard period of study

6 Semester

Language skills




Start of course

Winter semester

Semester contribution


General higher education entrance qualification, entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences or certificates of previous education recognised as equivalent by the competent authorities


The degree programme is free of admission. You can enrol from 1 June to 1 October for the start of the winter semester.


Accreditation by ASIIN (German accreditation association) until September 30, 2030.

Excellent career prospects

In your future career, you will use the knowledge you have learned here in research and development in the chemical industry or chemical-related sectors such as the metal and plastics processing industry and work towards a sustainable future.

In pharmaceutical chemistry, the food industry or in the environmental sector, but also in research institutions, offices and authorities, you will be a welcome expert due to your diverse and well-founded knowledge.

Building on the Bachelor's degree in Sustainable Chemistry and Materials, you can gain further knowledge at the campus in the Master's degree programmes in Analytical Chemistry and Quality Assurance and Materials Science and Sustainability Methods.

„She is my Swiss army knife. She can do everything or find out how to do it.”

Cyprian Golebiewski - Head of Application Technology at Akro-Plastic in Niederzissen about graduate Kathrin Portugall, who finds solutions to technical problems at the plastics refiner.

Cyprian Golebiewski - Leiter Anwendungstechnik Akro-Plastic

Sustainable chemistry and materials: Jennifer Real's career path in the video

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Nachhaltige Chemie und Materialien: Karriereweg der Alumna Jennifer Real

Events and schedules

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Information about orientation weeks

Teaser Placeholder

Re-registration for the next semester of study

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Time schedules and course announcements


Time schedule of the Department of Natural Sciences

Timetables and course announcements

Freshman Checklist and Orientation Week Information

Information Grafik mit "I" Colourbox 14110367

Überblicksseite für Studieninteressierte Angewandte Naturwissenschaften

Modules BSc Sustainable Chemistry and Materials (Curriculum

Examination affairs

Practical phase/Semester abroad

Timetables and course announcements

Freshman Checklist and Orientation Week Information

Information Grafik mit "I" Colourbox 14110367

Überblicksseite für Studieninteressierte Angewandte Naturwissenschaften

Modules BSc Sustainable Chemistry and Materials (Curriculum

Examination affairs

Practical phase/Semester abroad

Get to know H-BRS

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Study Information Days


Taster course in sustainable chemistry and materials

The responsible contacts for questions

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Questions about application and enrolment can be answered by the Student Services


Information on course content and progression and (career) prospects can be obtained from the Course Guidance Services

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The Student Advice Centre provides advice on choosing, starting and completing a degree programme

Welcome Schriftzug Colourbox (DE)

Advice for international students

Videos on the application and admission procedure

Online Bewerbung an der H-BRS/Online application at H-BRS (German/English) - For subtitles, please select German or English in the video player settings
Erklärung zum Zulassungsverfahren für zulassungsbeschränkte Studiengänge an der H-BRS

Course guidance/Head of the degree programme

Marc Williams

Marc Williams

Professor of Chemistry, especially sustainable technical chemistry and analytics, Program advisor and program manager BSc Sustainable Chemistry and Materials




I 211


von-Liebig-Straße 6

53359, Rheinbach


+49 2241 865 9912
Portraet Klaus Lehmann ZEV Shooting StA 20230331 foto juri kuestenmacher 03

Klaus Lehmann

CEO Centre for Ethics and Responsibility (ZEV)

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


H 010


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 505

Contact Points

Departmental Office Natural Sciences




Büroadresse: I 222 (Firma Innovatec), 2. OG, Von-Liebig-Straße 6


Post address: von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9.00 - 12.00 a.m. (Earlier/later visiting times possible by appointment)

Don’t hesitate to contact us via phone 8 a.m. till 3.30 p.m.

Contact to the Student Services


Campus Sankt Augustin: Grantham Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin // Rooms E039 - E040 & E044 - E048

Campus Rheinbach: Egermannstr. 1, 53359 Rheinbach // Rooms 1.304 - 1.305

Opening hours

Telephone consultation hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, Monday - Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00

Personal consultation hours by appointment only

The job portal of the university


Grantham-Allee 20

53575, Sankt Augustin


+ 49 2241 865-677

Opening hours

monday - thursday: 9 AM - 2 PM

Course guidance service Bachelor Sustainable Chemistry and Materials




Room I 211


von-Liebig-Str. 6

53359 Rheinbach

Opening hours

We look forward to hearing from you.