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News (3824)

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Fri, 23. February 2024

Publish Open Access with ACM

The library has already been offering access to the ACM Digital Library for all university members in the campus network and via the library's remote access for many years. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) will now convert the ACM Digital Library to Open Access over the next few years.

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E-Teacher mit ihren Zertifikaten: Abschlussveranstaltung WiSe 2023/24

Mon, 26. February 2024

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere neuen E-Teacher!

Das E-Learning-Team der Bibliothek gratuliert den Lehrenden und Mitarbeitenden zum erfolgreichen Abschluss des „Zertifikatprogramms E-Teacher“!    

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Studiengang Betriebswirtschaft Themenbild Studium (DE)

Mon, 26. February 2024

Bewerbungsfrist verlängert: Betriebswirtschaft in Rheinbach

Im Bachelor-Studiengang Betriebswirtschaft am Campus Rheinbach der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg stehen kurzfristig noch freie Studienplätze fürs Sommersemester 2024 zur Verfügung.

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Fri, 23. February 2024

Workshopreihe "Grünes Licht für Professorinnen"

Die 4-teilige Workshopreihe "Grünes Licht für Professorinnen" am Campus Sankt Augustin geht in die nächste Runde und startet am Dienstagabend, 14.05.2024 von 18 bis 21 Uhr mit der Kick-Off Veranstaltung.

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Fri, 23. February 2024

Three H-BRS professors elected to the departmental directorates of PK NRW

Prof. Dr. Rainer Herpers was confirmed in his position as Director of the Department of Informatics and Data Science in January. Martin Sternberg, Chairman of the Board of the Pomotionskolleg NRW, presented him with the certificate of appointment and wished him every success in his new three-year term of office.

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Disputation Andreas Sieß IWK 2024

Thu, 22. February 2024

The historicity of the virtual: Andreas Sieß successfully defends his dissertation

As a key technology of the future, virtual environments have long made a significant contribution to both social transformation and media-cultural progress. The associated discourse of virtuality is also an increasingly relevant topic of research in the humanities and social sciences. Andreas Sieß, postdoc and research assistant in the Department of Engineering and Communication, successfully defended his dissertation in this field on January 24.

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Equal Care Day

Thu, 22. February 2024

Equal Care Day 2024

On February 29, the klische*esc e. V. initiative is holding a day of action to draw attention to the lack of appreciation for care work.

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Thu, 22. February 2024

Walter Eichendorf berät Hochschule zu Gründung einer Ethikkommission

Walter Eichendorf ist Honorarprofessor am Fachbereich Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung und darüber hinaus Vorsitzender der Ethikkommission der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (DGUV). Nun war er an der Hochschule zu Gast, um Remi Maier-Rigaud, Vizepräsident Forschung und Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs, zu Vorteilen und Herausforderungen bei der Einsetzung einer Ethikkommission zu beraten. Darüber hinaus informierte sich Eichendorf im Robotiklabor des Instituts für KI und Autonome Systeme (A2S) über aktuelle Projekte. Ein Anwendungsbereich interessierte ihn dabei besonders.

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Wed, 21. February 2024

Psychological Counselling at the H-BRS

The Psychological Counselling Centre of the Studierendenwerk Bonn (PBS) will continue to offer counselling appointments at H-BRS during the summer semester 2024. Students can receive individual counselling free of charge and discreetly.

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Campus Universidad Castilla-la Mancha (UCLM)

Tue, 20. February 2024

Inaugural visit to the new partner university in Spain

Nadine Kutz from the Team International of the Department of Computer Science visited the new Erasmus+ partner university Universidad Castilla-La Mancha in Albacete, Spain, during February 13-16, 2024.

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Tue, 27. February 2024

Campus getting greener: redesign has begun

Over the coming months, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg will be redesigning its Sankt Augustin Campus with sustainability in mind.

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Mon, 19. February 2024

Mentoring for Founders - application phase started

This year, we are once again offering university members interested in founding a company the opportunity to work specifically on their own start-up project and strengthen their start-up personality with the help of individual mentoring. Applications for the Mentoring for Founders program can be submitted from now until 11 March. 

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FB Informatik: KI-Workshop: Gestaltung zukünftiger Lehre

Mon, 19. February 2024

AI workshop on the topic: Shaping future teaching - off to a successful start

The rapid development of AI is creating new challenges in teaching and requires a rethink. Prof Dr Sascha Alda opened the first workshop in the Department of Computer Science at H-BRS.

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