University and District Library
Publish Open Access with ACM
For the period 2024 to 2026, H-BRS has joined the ACM Open model and H-BRS authors can publish their scientific contributions in ACM journals and proceedings at no additional cost.
With this agreement, the library is making a further contribution to Open Access at H-BRS.
Who is covered by this agreement?
If you have submitted an article as Corresponding Author using your H-BRS e-mail address, you will be offered the Open Access option as soon as the submitted article has been accepted.
To which titles does the agreement apply?
Open Access publishing applies to journals and conference proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery in the ACM Digital Library. An overview of the eligible titles can be found on the publisher's website.
What licenses are available and what do I have to consider?
As a corresponding author, you have the option of selecting the license conditions for publication in an electronic rights form. The standard license is the "non-exclusive permission", with which you and your co-authors retain all rights to your article. You will have the additional option of displaying a Creative Commons license on the published version of their Work in the ACM Digital Library.
We recommend the use of this license.
Do you have any questions?
Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 9876Location
Sankt Augustin
Grantham-Allee 20
53757, Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 686Contact point
Research Services of the Library
A 202.7, A 202.8
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