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News (3852)

KLUGER Transfer Citizen Science Ergebnisworkshop

Thu, 13. July 2023

Gärtnern für den Umweltschutz: Sind Klimafolgen im regionalen Garten messbar?

Unter dem Motto „Gärtnern für den Umweltschutz“ startete im April 2023 ein neuer Citizen Science Versuch an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. Der Versuch ist Teil des Forschungsprojekts KLUGER (Klima, Umwelt, Gesundheit) Transfer, in dem Klimafolgen und Klimaanpassungen im eigenen Garten thematisiert werden. Das Projekt fördert und untersucht den Wissenstransfer von der Grundlagenforschung in die Öffentlichkeit. Im Juni besuchten die teilnehmenden Bürger:innen nun die H-BRS für einen nächsten Workshop, um erste Ergebnisse Ihrer Bodenproben zu besprechen.

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Vaziri_Interview Update Wirtschaft ARD

Wed, 12. July 2023

Daryoush Vaziri interviewed about ChatGPT

How will ChatGPT and Co change the working world of the future? Dr. Daryoush Daniel Vaziri from the Department of Economics answered these and other questions on the ARD program Update Wirtschaft on July 12, 2023.

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Studientag EMT SoSe 2023 Gruppenfoto Jordanidis

Wed, 06. September 2023

EMT study day: two farewells and a new dean for the department

On Monday, July 3, the newly elected dean, Professor Iris Groß, opened the 39th Study Day of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism (EMT) in the auditorium of the Steyler Mission in Sankt Augustin. The agenda included a workshop on raising awareness in dealing with students after the corona pandemic, as well as two farewells.

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Tue, 11. July 2023

Erstellung eines Imagefilms über den Studiengang Innovations- und Informationsmanagement

Am 24.06.2023 fanden an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg die ersten Dreharbeiten für einen neuen Imagefilm des Innovations- und Informationsmanagement (IuI) Masterstudiengangs statt.

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Erasmus+ Straßenbahn

Tue, 11. July 2023

Call for applications for Erasmus+ scholarships for internships outside the EU

Das International Office schreibt erneut Erasmus+-Stipendien für Praktikumsaufenthalte außerhalb der EU aus! Hier finden Sie alle Details zum Programm und dem Bewerbungsverfahren.

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2022-03-04_led-wand_sankt_augustin_mit_friedensbotschaft_und_ukraine-farben_teasercut-foto_martin_schulz.jpg (DE)

Wed, 12. July 2023

Ausschreibung für das "Zukunft Ukraine" Stipendium

The program "Future Ukraine" supports Ukrainian students at our University of Applied Sciences with scholarships.   

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IO-NRWege Programm

Wed, 12. July 2023

German language courses for people with refugee background, starting from October 2023

Are you a refugee? Have you studied abroad and you are interested in continuing your studies in Germany? We offer you the opportunity to improve your language skills free of charge!

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Minh Nguyen with the Toyota HSR Lucy

Tue, 23. May 2023

Best paper award for Minh Nguyen, Prof. Hochgeschwender, and Prof. Wrede at the RoSE 2023 Workshop

The award was given for their paper "An analysis of behaviour-driven requirement specification for robotic competitions"

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b-it-bots@Work team 2023

Sun, 09. July 2023

b-it-bots win RoboCup@Work world championship title at RoboCup 2023

This is the second world championship title for the team after winning for the first time in 2019

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IROS23 logo

Fri, 23. June 2023

Paper by Samuel Parra, Argentina Ortega, Sven Schneider, and Prof. Hochgeschwender accepted at IROS 2023

S. Parra, A. Ortega, S. Schneider, and N. Hochgeschwender, "A Thousand Worlds: Scenery Specification and Generation for Simulation-Based Testing of Mobile Robot Navigation Stacks"

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A2S Tag der Forschung 2023 stand setup with all posters, QTrobot, and a few presenters

Wed, 21. June 2023

A2S Institute presented at the H-BRS research day 2023

Posters of four funded projects and five ongoing PhD projects were presented; two of our robots (QTrobot and Lucy) were there to display some of their skills

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ECMR23 logo

Fri, 16. June 2023

Paper by Ekansh Sharma, Alex Mitrevski, and Prof. Plöger accepted at ECMR 2023

E. Sharma, C. Henke, A. Mitrevski, and P. G. Plöger, "Adaptive Compliant Robot Control with Failure Recovery for Object Press-Fitting"

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Neuer Senat_konstituierende_Sitzung_29062023

Fri, 07. July 2023

Newly elected senate begins work

The employees of H-BRS have elected a new Senate. This took up its work with the constituent meeting on Thursday, June 29, 2023. In the process, the committee elected its future chairman and vice chair.

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