Central University Bodies

Newly elected senate begins work

Friday 7 July 2023

The employees of H-BRS have elected a new Senate. This took up its work with the constituent meeting on Thursday, June 29, 2023. Professor Hektor Haarkötter from the Department of Social Policy and Social Security replaces the long-time incumbent Professor Norbert Jung from the Department of Computer Science as chair, who did not stand for re-election. The committee elected Nadja Geldmacher, Third Party Funds Manager in Department 3 (Finance and Purchasing), as the new Vice Chair.
Nadja Geldmacher and Hektor Haarkötter. Foto: Pascal Schröder

The Senate of the H-BRS is a central organ of self-administration. It decides on the regulations, gives recommendations and opinions on the draft of the university development plan, on the economic plan as well as on the distribution of positions and funds.

Voting members of the senate are nine representatives of the group of university teachers and two representatives each of the group of academic employees and the group of employees from technology and administration as well as four representatives of the group of students.

The newly elected senate

Neuer Senat_konstituierende_Sitzung_29062023
Foto: Pascal Schröder

The Senate


haarkoetter_15b.jpg (DE)

Hektor Haarkötter

Professor for Communication Science, especially Political Communication

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


F 205


Grantham-Allee 2-8

53757, St. Augustin


Nadja Geldmacher

Nadja Geldmacher

Third Party Funds, Vice Chair Senate


Sankt Augustin


G 226


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin