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Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)

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Many technological fields in industry perform greatly, but still it could be better, faster, easier, more efficient, or simply more intelligent. In the institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering, more than 40 scientists at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences carry out research concerning technical and scientific topics and offer their expertise in research and development projects.


„A fundamental idea of sustainability is the thoughtful and efficient handling of resources and energy.”

„The latest news about all our TREE activities can be found on our Linked Account! Come follow us! ”

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Research Fields

TREE Forschungsfeld Energie Stockfoto


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Modeling and Simulation

Materialen und Prozesse

Materials and Processes

VR Brille Frau Schreibtisch Colourbox 5569591

Technology Transfer and Acceptance


Hydrogen Storage


At the Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE) at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, we conduct interdisciplinary research into technical and scientific topics as a team of scientists. We bring expertise in various scientific disciplines such as chemistry, materials science, electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, journalism and communication science to our research. State-of-the-art laboratories and equipment are available for this purpose.

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Industry Services & Seminars

In the institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering, more than 40 scientists of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences carry out research concerning technical-scientific topics and offer their expertise in research and development.


Education and young scientists

One major mission of TREE is imparting TREE-topics in teaching as well as supporting young scientists.

Innovation Mall Teaser TREE

TREE Showroom at the Innovation Mall

Take a look at our virtual 3D Showroom at the Innovation Mall. This content is only available in German at the moment.

TREE Imagevideo Thumbnail

TREE Image Video

If you want to learn more about the TREE Instiute, you can watch our Image Video. This is only available in German at the moment.

Porträts und Interviews

Ahmad Drak Portraet_Wissenswert_30012024

Ahmad Drak: The high-flyer

Portrait Johannes Steinhaus (DE)

H-BRS in brief: Professor Johannes Steinhaus on the environmental impact of microplastics

Stefanie Meilinger Portrait Nov 23 IZNE

H-BRS aktuell: "The ability to repair must be relearned"

Prof. Dr. Dirk Reith

H-BRS aktuell: Professor Dirk Reith zur E-Mobilität

Cassandra Moers Doktorandin Porträt

Cassandra Moers: Expertin für Zerreißproben

News and upcoming Events

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Successful workshop on metrological testing of charging stations

Prof. Anna-Lena Menn

Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Menn übernimmt Leitung des Forschungsfelds Modellbildung und Simulation

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Clone of Doctorate with distinction for Dominik Wilde

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Prof. Dr. Melcher: "Berücksichtigung von Normen bei Forschungsanträgen und Forschungsprojekten nach EU-Empfehlung 2023/498"


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Michael Meurer

Scientific staff member




I 206


von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach

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Fabian Tenk

Innovation Manager, Managing Director of the Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)


Sankt Augustin


F 403


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9727