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Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)

Studying in the TREE Institute

One major mission of TREE is imparting TREE-topics in teaching as well as supporting young scientists.
EMT Projektwoche Labor Werkstoffkunde

In order to solve the urgent problems of the present and future, the principle of sustainability in all its dimensions is to be strengthened in the future generations of academics and graduates. Scientists at TREE therefore aim to support sustainability in their occupational fields. The co-funded degree programmes “Sustainable Enginerring, B.Eng.“ (M.Eng. in planning stage) and „Materials Science and Sustainability Methods, M.Sc.” both profit from the TREE-scientists, who act as driving force for the teaching of sustainability related topics and constantly improve and extend their knowledge.

What's important to us:

  • Extending and developing specific, interdisciplinary study programmes as for example the lecture series "Technology and Environmental Ethics" (2019)
  • Organisation of regular open research seminars in cooperation with all concerned departments in order to encourage the exchange of expertise between students as well as teachers and other parties
  • Support of research-oriented teaching by integrating scientific expertise especially into the master but also into the bachelor programmes
  • Enabling students to participate in research projects (internal or with external partners) at all academical levels and thus comprehensive qualification of scientific offspring
  • Interdisciplinary support in the context of projects works and theses