Department of Engineering and Communication
Sustainable Engineering - Cooperative Study (BEng)

Programme content
Our cooperative degree programme in Sustainable Engineering (BEng) is a training path that combines vocational training with studies. Here, theory and practice are combined in a way that is not possible during a regular programme of study. The overall duration of the cooperative study programme is nine semesters. During the first and second semester, students are given practical vocational training in a company. Study at the H-BRS begins with the third semester. In keeping with our tradition as a university of applied sciences, students already apply what they have learned in practice during their course of study: during the practical semester and when writing their bachelor thesis, students again work in the company.
In terms of their content and structure, the seven semesters of study of the cooperative bachelor degree programme correspond precisely to the first to seventh semester of the regular bachelor degree programme in Sustainable Engineering (BEng).
Students first learn the engineering and scientific basics. Subjects such as renewable energies, ethics and environmental science create the basis for understanding sustainability. They deepen their knowledge in modules such as sustainability and life cycle analyses and energy efficient residential buildings. Modules such as measurement and regulation technology and thermodynamics provide an engineering background. In the elected subjects and in projects, students have the opportunity to select topics according to their particular area of interest.
The close links to the employer where the corporate training takes place mean that students have excellent opportunities for progressing in their career in this company. The training contract guarantees an income right from the start, and therefore also financial independence.
Graduates of this degree programme are qualified to work in may different sectors. They can choose from careers in energy production and distribution and work in industrial companies, planning offices and energy consultancy. There is also the option of working in product development and product management in the production industry. The study programme also offers good opportunities for work in municipal utilities, public authorities and local communities in the field of energy and mobility.
At the University, ongoing master's degree programmes in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering are already on offer; a specific master's programme as a follow-up to the bachelor’s degree programme in Sustainable Engineering (BEng) is currently being planned.
Language knowledge required
All teaching is conducted in German.
We offer our Sustainable Engineering degree (BEng) on our Sankt Augustin Campus. The Sankt Augustin Campus is located in North Rhine-Westphalia and easy to reach by car or public transport from Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf or Koblenz. Study and research with us on our modern Campus in an outstanding learning environment.
Study Facts
Bachelor's degree
Standard period of study
Nine semesters (Two practical semesters / seven university semesters), 210 ECTS
Language skills
Sankt Augustin
Start of course
Winter term
Semester contribution
Departmental Office Engineering and Communication
Sankt Augustin
A 157
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00 (core opening hours)
Friday: 09:00 - 14:00 Uhr (core opening hours)
Course guidance service Bachelor Sustainable Engineering - Cooperative Study
Sankt Augustin
F 321
Opening hours
We look forward to hearing from you.
Contact to the Student Services
Opening hours
Telephone consultation hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, Monday - Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00
Personal consultation hours by appointment only
Student Council IWK
Sankt Augustin
A 041
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 12 - 13 Uhr
Sankt Augustin
Opening hours
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