Communications and Marketing

[Archive] First days at H-BRS - Information for freshers summer semester 2024

Studierende Erstsemester 20230922 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher cut

Thursday 14 March 2024

Welcome to our university, dear first semester students! On this page you will find some information that will hopefully help you getting started with your studies and campus life.

Information for first semester students

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On the overview page of the Student Advice Centre you will find information about the semester ticket and the student ID, the first semester student receptions of the degree programmes, the preparatory courses and much more.

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Successful completion of one or more language courses is mandatory for our Bachelor's degree programmes. As this usually involves an English course, a placement test in English must be taken at the start of the programme.

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In the library, students will find an extensive and informative stock of media, in digital or printed form. A dedicated team helps them to find information for their assignments and projects. The library also offers workshops and training courses on numerous topics.

E-mail, SIS, LEA and WLAN

After self-registration, new students receive access to the central e-mail server for students via the MIA portal and learn their departmental code for logging on to the student information system SIS and the e-learning system LEA.

Zugang zu zentralen Hochschuldiensten Symbol

How can I access the central university services?

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E-mail accounts for students and lecturers

LEA Screenshot Magazin

Studying with LEA

Header breit Icons E-Learning Kleine Bühne ohne Titel mit Logo

E-Learning Tools for Students

Ziele und Aufaben

Tutorials and FAQ for students (IT Service)

Locations and departments - where is what?

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Sankt Augustin Campus

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Rheinbach Campus

Campus Hennef (DE)

Hennef Campus

Sankt Augustin Campus

Departments represented at the location:


Rheinbach Campus

Departments represented at the location:


Campus Hennef

Department represented at the location:

Student bodies and activities

Students at the H-BRS summer party (2017)

The students at the university organise themselves in the departmental student councils, in the Student Parliament (StuPa), the highest decision-making body, and in the General Student Committee (AStA), the executive of the entire student body.

Studentische Aktivitäten (Auswahl)

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BRS Motorsport

Get together Finance Club Rheinufer 20220624 Foto FCBRS 03

Finance Club Bonn-Rhein-Sieg


The HörsaalEINS University Choir

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TeSSA - the official e-sports team of H-BRS

Studying and living

The Studierendenwerk not only offers accommodation but also runs the refectories and cafeterias in Rheinbach and Sankt Augustin. The student card serves as a ticket in the VRS area, library card and chip card for the refectory and for using photocopiers

H-BRS Logo mit cyan Kreisen

Information on the student ID card



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Canteen Plan Sankt Augustin

Studierende Erstsemester 20230922 Foto Juri Kuestenmacher cut
First semester students in Sankt Augustin after a welcome event organised by the Management Sciences student council in September 2023, from left: Frieda, Amelie, Wladimir, Mia, Finn, Noa and Nozad. Photo: Juri Küstenmacher/H-BRS