Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)
Start-up-Cup @ H-BRS: ideas competition 2023

Die Gewinner:innen des Start-up-Cups 2023
- Platz: CareDoc - App für die Pflegebranche: Pascal Eßer, Ron Gerber, Rob Gerber (alle BWL-Studenten an der H-BRS) und Philipp Martini (extern)
- Platz: DrofoTech - Aufforstung mit Drohnen und AI: Ahmad Drak (Doktorand), Brennan Penfold und Maximilian Johenneken (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter)
- Platz: Vlight - innovative Lösung für überdachte Flächen: Florian Siegismund (Alumnus), Joshua Neff (Student an der H-BRS) und Steffen Schedler (Doktorand)
Publikumspreis: Trink doch ene mit: Elina Hafer (Alumna), Ipek Katal und Sarah Knoth (beide extern)
Sonderpreis DIGITALHUB: Treely
Sonderpreis MBA: Maximilian Johenneken
The final teams
The five best teams have been selected! Out of many strong pitch decks submitted by students, alumni and employees, these five ideas convinced our internal jury the most. The teams will present their pitch to the external jury and the audience in the grand final.
CareDoc - App for the care industry: Pascal Eßer, Ron Gerber, Rob Gerber (all H-BRS students) and Philipp Martini (external)
DrofoTech - Reforestation with drones and AI: Ahmad Drak (PhD student), Brennan Penfold (student and student assistant) and Maximilian Johenneken (research associate)
Dealcoholisation tablet for wine: Elina Hafer (alumn), Ipek Katal and Sarah Knoth (both external)
Everflight - sustainable shuttlecock: Louis Huth (H-BRS student)
Vlight - innovative solution for covered areas: Florian Siegismund (alumn), Joshua Neff (H-BRS student) and Steffen Schedler (PhD student)
The Jury
The external jury of the Start-up-Cup finals is made up of experts from the start-up scene and must be convinced by the finalist teams.
- Alexander Haesler - Asset-Management, Siebel Vermögensverwaltung
- Franziska Schaal - founder feelfood
- Kerstin Schickendanz - lecturer for Entrepreneurship
- Simon Hecht - Head of Marketing, DIGITALHUB.de
- Stefan Raetz - representative of the Hochschulgesellschaft Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, former mayor of the city of Rheinbach
About the Start-up-Cup
Do you have a business idea that you would like to turn into reality? Or have you already founded your own start-up? We would like to reward your creativity and innovation and are pleased to be hosting our internal university ideas competition this year for the third time. We are looking forward to once again awarding prizes to great ideas and promising start-up teams!
The Start-up-Cup is a competition organised by the Start-up-Manufaktur, the entrepreneurship centre of the H-BRS, and aims to further promote the start-up culture at the university by discovering new, innovative start-up ideas and awarding prizes to successful start-up projects.
The application phase is closed.

1st place: 2.500 Euro (sponsored by Hochschulgesellschaft Bonn-Rhein-Sieg)
2nd place: 1.500 Euro (sponsored by CENTIM)
3rd place: 1.000 Euro (sponsored by CENTIM)
Special prize DIGITALHUB.DE: Participation in the Accelerator Programme with benefits worth 30,000 euro
Special prize MBA: 100 % scholarship in the form of free participation in the further education course Start-up Development (MBA) of the H-BRS for one person starting in the winter semester 2023/2024 worth 15,600 euro
Benefit for all final teams: individual pitch training with a professional coach
Information on the special prizes
The awarding of the special prizes is optional and linked to the respective entry requirements:
► Special price DIGITALHUB.DE
The DIGITALHUB.DE awards digital-oriented ideas that have conceived either an innovative product or an innovative service. Participating founders and people interested in founding a company who win the special prize from the DIGITALHUB.DE in the ideas competition will receive a founder's package from the benefits of the Alpha Accelerator, which has a value of over 30,000 EUR.
What the DIGITALHUB.DE offers you: 6 months premium coworking membership; support from professional coaches & experienced mentors; weekly meetups & workshops; invitations to exclusive events and access to the network; professional photos, videos & premium promotion; € 12,000 NRW founder stipend per founder:in; high chance of five- to six-figure seed funding; intros to business angels, VC's & institutional investors; 20,000+ in cloud credits & perks.
The Founder's Package may not be passed on to third parties and the cash value cannot be paid out. The special prize is linked to the access requirements of the Digital Hub in Bonn: You are a start-up with a digital business model; not yet founded or 2 years after founding; from Bonn or the surrounding area; motivated and ready to take off.
► Special price MBA Innovation
There is a 100% scholarship to be won in the form of free participation in the Start-up Development (MBA) further education course at the H-BRS for one person worth €15,600. The scholarship covers the standard study period of 4 semesters. The scholarship may not be passed on to third parties, and the monetary value cannot be paid out. In order to participate in the continuing education programme starting in winter semester 2023/2024, the admission requirements of the programme must be met.
Applicants who are interested in the special price and at the same time fulfil the study requirements to start their studies directly in the winter semester 2023/2024 must also apply online via the H-BRS application portal by 15 August 2023 for formal reasons.
For easier allocation, we also ask you to indicate that you have also applied for the degree programme when submitting your pitch deck.
If you have any questions, please contact the programme coordinator directly.

How to participate:
To participate, it is necessary to submit your start-up idea in a formulated pitch deck as a PowerPoint presentation with a maximum of 14 slides using the notes function (approx. 150 words per slide). This should serve to provide the jury with any additional information that would normally be mentioned in an oral presentation.
It is important that the finished presentation with the notes is saved as a PDF so that the notes can be found under each of the associated slides [File - Print - Print to PDF - Select "Note Pages" as the print layout].
A submission of the pitch deck is also possible in English.
The following aspects should be addressed in the pitch deck:
- Problem: What are the current challenges faced by clients and users?
- Solution: How can the challenge be overcome?
- Presentation of product/service: What is being sold? What are the customer benefits?
- Target group: Who is the target group and what are its characteristics?
- Market and competition: Why is the market attractive? What are the barriers to entry? Who are the competitors?
- Marketing and sales: What is the pricing model? Which communication measures should be used? How will the product be brought to the customer group?
- Business model and financing: What does the company structure look like? What is the relationship between costs and turnover? At what point is the project profitable?
- Team: Who is on the team and what skills and experience does the team have?
- Sustainability: How is sustainability considered in the business model? What sustainability goals are being pursued? (Have a look at the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the UN).
- Milestones and outlook: What is the current status? Which goals are to be achieved in the short and medium term? What are the next steps? How much capital is needed for the start-up?
- USP: Why is the idea unique or better than other ideas? What are the opportunities and risks?
- Contact details: Name, email address, telephone number
Evaluation and winner selection
Evaluation and winner selection
All submissions will be evaluated by an internal jury of the Start-up-Manufaktur and an external jury, to be announced, on the basis of predefined evaluation criteria. The founding teams qualified for the final will be contacted in advance by email and agree to present their start-up project at the final event on 19 October 2023.
Evaluation criteria
Pitch-Deck (1st stage)
- Implementation: Can the idea also be implemented practically? Are there real chances of founding the company?
- Customer benefit: Who is the customer group? What needs/problems does the client group have? What use does the start-up project offer for the customer group?
- Market potential: Is there a real market and target group for the idea? Are there possible competitors? Does the idea have a unique selling proposition?
- Viable and sustainable business model: Can money be earned with the business model? What does the revenue model look like? Has reference been made to the sustainability strategy?
- Competences of the founding team: What are the strengths of the team? What knowledge and qualifications are available in the team?
- Innovation and originality of the project: To what extent is the idea unique and innovative? What problem can the idea solve?
- Overall impression: Is the pitch deck logically and comprehensibly structured and attractively designed? Were the specifications adhered to?
Pitch (2nd stage)
as part of the final on 19 October 2023 in Sankt Augustin:
- Overall impression of the presentation: adherence to the time limit, presentation skills, creativity and ability to work in a team
- Answering the questions/discussion

Terms of participation
Students, employees and alumni (graduation must be no more than five years ago) of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences with a start-up idea, or those university members who have already founded a start-up, are eligible to participate. The company must not have been founded before 2022. The date of the business registration is decisive. Participation is possible for individuals as well as for start-up teams with up to a maximum of five persons. (For founding teams, at least one person must belong to the group of students, employees or alumni of the H-BRS. In the event of a win, the prize will only be awarded to this person).
Complete terms of participation
Students, employees and alumni of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences with a start-up idea and also those university members who have already founded a start-up are eligible to participate. The company must not have been founded before 2022. The date of the business registration is decisive. Participation is possible for individuals as well as for start-up teams with up to a maximum of four people.
All start-up ideas formally received in full by 11.59 p.m. on 14 August 2023 will be considered. Documents that are submitted in addition to the pitch deck and the associated explanation via the note function cannot be considered in the evaluation.
The idea must have been developed independently by the founding team and must not infringe the rights of third parties.
The organisers reserve the right to change the announced prizes for organisational reasons. There is no entitlement to a specific prize. If there are no ideas or contributions worthy of a prize, no prize will be awarded.
The organiser reserves the right to change the conditions of participation or to terminate the competition at any time, even without prior notice.
Participants shall indemnify the organiser against all conceivable claims by third parties which could be derived from the infringement of any copyrights, statutory property rights, trade secrets and other rights by the submitted documents.
Protection of ideas and data protection
- H-BRS and CENTIM will not disclose participants' personal data to unauthorised third parties. The following personal data will be processed for the ideas competition and can only be viewed and processed by authorised persons:
- Name, first name
- E-mail address
- Telephone number
- Relationship to the university
- Date of business registration/name of company, if applicable.
- The submitted start-up ideas are subject to copyright protection. Documents provided by participants will be treated confidentially by the H-BRS, in particular by all jury members involved, and will only be used for the purposes of the start-up competition. They will be deleted after the end of the competition. There is no right to return the submitted documents.
- By submitting their entry, participating founding teams that qualify for the final agree to present their idea at the final event and agree that the organiser may take and reproduce pictures and videos of the participants for information and documentation purposes and publish them in print and audiovisual media. Specifically, publication on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, on the university website and in the university newsletter is planned.
- By taking part in the competition, participants expressly agree to the conditions of participation.
Weitere Informationen zum Datenschutz
Hiermit informieren wir Sie über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten. Zudem klären wir Sie über Ihre Rechte auf und teilen Ihnen mit, wen Sie bei Fragen kontaktieren können. Diese Datenschutzhinweise gelten ergänzend zur Datenschutzerklärung der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg: https://www.h-brs.de/de/datenschutz.
Wer ist der Verantwortliche für die Datenverarbeitung?
Verantwortlich für die Datenverarbeitung des Ideenwettbewerbs ist die Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (CENTIM), Grantham-Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin, vertreten durch den Präsidenten. Es bestehen folgende Kontaktmöglichkeiten: Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Grantham-Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin, E-Mail: praesident@h-brs.de, Tel.: +49 2241 865 0, Fax: +49 2241 865 609
An wen können Sie sich bei Fragen zum Datenschutz wenden?
Bei Fragen zur Datenverarbeitung können Sie sich an den Datenschutzbeauftragten der Hochschule wenden. Es bestehen folgende Kontaktmöglichkeiten: Datenschutzbeauftragte der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Grantham-Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin, E-Mail: datenschutzbeauftragte@h-brs.de.
Welche Daten werden verarbeitet?
Für den Ideenwettbewerb werden folgende personenbezogene Daten verarbeitet:
Name, Vorname, E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer, Beziehung zur Hochschule, ggf. Datum der Gewerbeanmeldung/Name des Unternehmens.
Für welche Zwecke verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten und wie lautet die Rechtsgrundlage?
Die Daten werden für die Teilnahme am Ideenwettbewerb verarbeitet. Konkret bedeutet dies, dass wir Ihre Daten zum Zweck der Abwicklung des Ideenwettbewerbs und zur Benachrichtigung der Preisträger erheben und für den Zeitraum des Ideenwettbewerbs speichern. Rechtsgrundlage für die Datenverarbeitung sind Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a-c EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO), wenn der Betroffene in die Datenverarbeitung eingewilligt hat bzw. ein Vertrag oder eine rechtliche Verpflichtung (freiwillige Teilnahme am Ideenwettbewerb) erfüllt werden soll. Die Einwilligung kann jederzeit widerrufen werden.
Wie lange werden die Daten gespeichert?
Wir speichern Ihre Daten grundsätzlich nur so lange, wie wir sie für die jeweiligen Verarbeitungszwecke benötigen, d.h. Ihre angegebenen Daten werden gelöscht, sobald der Zweck der Speicherung entfällt.
Welche Betroffenenrechte bestehen?
Sie haben als betroffene Person das Recht (1) auf Auskunft zu den über sie gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten nach den Regelungen des Artikel 15 DSGVO; (2) auf Berichtigung unrichtiger oder unvollständiger Daten nach Artikel 16 DSGVO; (3) auf Löschung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten nach Artikel 17 DSGVO; (4) auf Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten; (5) auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten nach Artikel 18 DSGVO; (6) auf Datenübertragbarkeit nach Artikel 20 DSGVO; (7) auf Beschwerde bei der zuständigen Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörde (LDI NRW (nrw.de)) (8) Recht auf Widerruf der Einwilligungserklärung.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung: https://www.h-brs.de/de/datenschutz
We thank our sponsors


Karoline Noth
Research assistant, H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre, Project Coordination Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin (SUPRA)
H 306
Von-Liebig-Straße 20
53359, Rheinbach
+49 2241 865 9850Location
Sankt Augustin
F 413
Grantham-Allee 20
Sankt Augustin