Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)
Finale of the Start-up-Cup 2023
Thursday, 19 October 2023
17:00 - 20:00
Campus Sankt Augustin / Audimax
Only five minutes to present an idea or product in a compelling way - this is the challenge our five final teams will face on 19 October 2023.
The five best teams of the Start-up Cup 2023 have already convinced us with their pitch deck, now they also have to impress our external jury and the audience in the live pitch. Be there when the finalists present their innovative, exciting and sustainable ideas!
To kick-off the event we have invited Franziska Schaal, founder of the Cologne based Start-up feelfood, to give a keynote speech. Franzi will not only tell you about her founding story, but will also share insightful and valuable tips for the early days of your own company!
The final teams
The five best teams have been selected! Out of many strong pitch decks submitted by students, alumni and employees, these five ideas convinced our internal jury the most. The teams will present their pitch to the external jury and the audience in the grand final.
CareDoc - App for the care industry: Pascal Eßer, Ron Gerber, Rob Gerber (all H-BRS students) and Philipp Martini (external)
DrofoTech - Reforestation with drones and AI: Ahmad Drak (PhD student), Brennan Penfold (student and student assistant) and Maximilian Johenneken (research associate)
Dealcoholisation tablet for wine: Elina Hafer (alumn), Ipek Katal and Sarah Knoth (both external)
Everflight - sustainable shuttlecock: Louis Huth (H-BRS student)
Vlight - innovative solution for covered areas: Florian Siegismund (alumn), Joshua Neff (H-BRS student) and Steffen Schedler (PhD student)
Die Jury
Bewertet werden unsere Finalteams von unserer externen Jury, bestehend aus Expertinnen und Experten aus dem Start-up-Umfeld.
Franziska Schaal
„Und worauf ich mich am meisten freue sind "mutige" Gründer*innen bzw. Studierende. Ich finde es einfach immer wieder selbst inspirierend, auf Personen zu treffen, die sich etwas trauen und ihren eigenen Weg gehen.”
Franziska Schaal - Gründerin von feelfood
Stefan Raetz
„Gespannt bin ich auf die bestimmt wieder unglaublich interessanten Ideen junger, mutiger Menschen. Ich bin gespannt, wie wir die Durchschlagkraft für die Praxis bewerten.”
Stefan Raetz - Vorsitzender der Hochschulgesellschaft Bonn-Rhein-Sieg , vormals Bürgermeister in Rheinbach
Kerstin Schickendanz
„Ich bin gespannt darauf, die Vielfalt der eingereichten Projekte kennenzulernen und zu erfahren, wie die Teams ihre Ideen in erfolgreiche Geschäftsmodelle verwandeln möchten.”
Kerstin Schickendanz - Dozentin für Entrepreneurship an der H-BRS
Alexander Haesler
Asset-Management, Siebel Vermögensverwaltung
Simon Hecht
„Ich freue mich schon auf die Pitches der Studierenden. Es ist immer spannend zu sehen, welche großartigen Ideen in unsere Region entstehen.”
Simon Hecht - Head of Marketing, DIGITALHUB.de
How the finale takes place
The 5 final teams pitch their business idea in front of an external jury and the audience. This is followed by a short Q&A session in which the teams answer the jury's questions. The final evaluation by the external jury will be based on set evaluation criteria, which include the overall impression of the presentation (adherence to the time limit, presentation skills, creativity and teamwork) and the answers to the questions/discussion. After all teams have pitched, a deliberation phase by the jury follows, which then announces the top three places and the awarding of the prize.
Durch die Veranstaltung begleitet euch unsere Moderatorin Leonie Adam.
Start-up-Cup 2023
In the H-BRS internal ideas competition Start-up Cup, we are looking for innovative and convincing business ideas from students, alumni and employees. Ideas that might overcome current societal challenges and shape an innovative future. The most convincing pitches have the chance to win prize money of up to 2,500 euros or special prizes, such as a scholarship for the Start-up Development MBA course or admission to the DIGITALHUB.de accelerator programme.
Karoline Noth
Research assistant, H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre, Project Coordination Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin (SUPRA)
H 306
Von-Liebig-Straße 20
53359, Rheinbach
+49 2241 865 9850Location
Sankt Augustin
F 413
Grantham-Allee 20
Sankt Augustin