Communications and Marketing

An app for caregivers and ideas for a sustainable future: H-BRS awards start-ups from its own ranks

Start up Cup Finale die Teams Foto Nathan Dreessen

Monday 23 October 2023

Only five minutes to convincingly present their idea or product: Five teams of university staff founders competed for victory in the finals of the Start-up Cup at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS).
Start up Cup Finale Gewinnerteam CareDoc Foto Nathan Dreessen
The winners of the Start-up Cup from Team CareDoc: Pascal Eßer (left) and Robert Gerber. Photo: Nathan Dreessen

CareDoc aims to make it possible to quickly and easily create service records, which are important for billing health insurance companies, in an app on a smartphone. Until now, this has only been possible in paper form, as Managing Director Pascal Eßer explained during the presentation: "I have worked in elderly care myself and have experienced how much time and effort goes into creating the performance records. That is time that care workers should invest differently," says Eßer, who, like two of his co-founders, is a business administration student at H-BRS. The team receives 2,500 euros for further development of the company. The app is to be launched in March.

Start up Cup Finale Präsentation Foto Nathan Dreessen
The start-up Vlight at the presentation of their project. Photo: Nathan Dreessen

Second place went to DrofoTech, a team of three research assistants from the university. The researchers are working on reforesting destroyed forest areas with the help of drones and by using artificial intelligence. In addition to the prize money of 1,500, co-founder Maximilian Johenneken won the special MBA prize: a scholarship for free participation in the Start-up Development further education course at the H-BRS.

Third place went to the start-up Vlight, which convinced the jury with a customised construction method for installing special solar modules. The audience award, which the audience could vote on with their smartphones on site, went to the team "Trink doch ene mit", which is researching the development of a dealcoholisation tablet for wine.

The organisers had selected the five final teams from more than 20 submissions from the university's start-up manufactory. All the participants deserve respect, said moderator Leonie Adam, who emphasised that "all the founders have gone beyond the "should-do" stage, which many others leave it at.

The H-BRS Start-up Manufacture launched the Start-up Cup to further promote the start-up culture at the university. All university members were called upon to submit their business idea for the competition. These could be brand new ideas in the draft stage or largely developed products for which a start-up already exists for marketing. Condition: The start-up must not have been founded more than one year ago.
The university organised the competition for the first time in 2019. The competition is sponsored by the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM) and the University Association Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

This year, the external final jury consisted of start-up experts Alexander Haesler, Asset Manager at Siebel Vermögensverwaltung, Franziska Schaal, founder of the start-up feelfood, Kerstin Schickendanz, Entrepreneurship teacher, Simon Hecht, Head of Marketing at and Stefan Raetz from University Association Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.

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Personenbild Karoline Noth_2025

Karoline Noth

Research assistant, H-BRS Entrepreneurship Centre, Project Coordination Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin (SUPRA)




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