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Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL)

Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP)

You would like to know, whether your course planning is successful and is being understood by the students? But you don't want to wait until the end of the semester for feedback? You would like to have a confirmation for your didactic approach or are looking for new impulses? You are just making your first teaching experiences and would like to get feedback on your approach? If so, Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP) is what you need!

TAP is a qualitative interim evaluation of your course so that you can effectively find out how students perceive their own learning process. With TAP you can optimally promote the exchange with your students about the teaching and learning processes. To conduct TAP, ZIEL staff members come to your course and discuss the students' learning experiences with them. For this, we only need 30 minutes of your course time. Information on the exact procedure can be found below.

Participation in the TAP process is voluntary for the lecturer and also for the students and can be used as an alternative to the standard student course evaluation.

TAP is designed to help students reflect on their learning. This can reveal aspects that promote and hinder learning. The implementation in the middle of the semester offers the possibility, to implement changes in an ongoing course. The results can also be used as a starting point for further higher education didactic formats, such as consultations or workshops.

It is possible, to receive credit for TAP in the higher education didactics certificate program "Professionelle Hochschullere" of hdw nrw to the extent of 4 working units. Further information can be found here.

The evaluations of the TAPs can be found on the intranet (only available in German).

TAP schedule für the winter semester 2023/24

The next scheduled TAP will take place in winter semester 2023/24 in the period from 11/20 to 12/15/2023. Please contact with the relevant information (as stated below in the registration information) to arrange a date for the TAP implementation and for a feedback interview.

Planning and Implementation of a TAP


  • Registration for a TAP via E-Mail (see below)

  • Potential brief preparatory meeting to clarify questions


In the course:

  • The lecturer ends his/her course on the agreed date about 30 - 45 minutes early, hands over to the moderator of TAP and leaves the room.
  • The moderator briefly introduces him/herself and the method and asks the students to discuss the following 3 questions in small groups:
    • Which aspects of the course facilitate your learning?
    • Which aspects of the course impede your learning?
    • What suggestions do you have for improving the impeding points (and beyond)?
  • The results are then presented in plenum. The moderator writes down the points mentioned and by voting of the students a majority opinion is formed.



  • The moderator prepares the results report, sends it to the lecturer and arranges the feedback meeting to discuss the results.
  • The lecturer is asked to discuss the results with the students in the next lecture and to consider together how they can deal with the results.

Advantages of a TAP

For Lecturers: A TAP...

  • provides constructive and specific rather than judgmental feedback
  • captures students' suggestions already during the semester
  • supports the self-reflection of your teaching
  • can make potential for change visible
  • signals to students that you are interested in their perception of teaching quality


For Students: A TAP...

  • actively involves students as participants in shaping the learning process
  • supports the self-reflection of their learning behavior
  • provides the foundation for a good feedback culture
  • strengthens the relationship between students and teachers
  • enables students to express themselves anonymously and unbiased


The number of TAPs per semester is limited, so if you are interested, please contact us as soon as possible! Registration is possible until 12/13/2023. Please send an email to and include the following data:

  • First and Surname of the Lecturer
  • Department
  • Title of course
  • Bachelor or Master students
  • Semester
  • Is open for which degree programs?
  • Type of course: Lecture, Seminar, Exercise
  • Expected number of students
  • Date/time of the course
  • Format: Is your course in attendance/synchronous/asynchronous? If synchronous: Which web conference tool do you use?
  • If applicable, location/room number
  • Indication of the desired date for TAP in the period from 11/20/2023 to 12/15/2023 with the exact time of the course.
  • Suggested dates for feedback meeting (in the same week).
  • If applicable, special request for TAP - (we will try to take this into consideration during implementation).
  • Notes on special features of the events that could be relevant for TAP implementation (e.g. special concept/format, particularly important elements, etc.)

References & further readings

Frank, A. & Kaduk, S. (2017). Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation als Ausgangspunkt für Reflexion und Veränderung. Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP) und Bielefelder Lernzielorientierte Evaluation (BiLOE). In Arbeitskreis Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung der Berliner und Brandenburger Hochschulen und Freie Universität Berlin (Hrsg.), QM-Systeme in Entwicklung: Change (or) Management? Tagungsband der 15. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung der Berliner und Brandenburger Hochschulen am 2./3. März 2015, Freie Universität Berlin (S. 29-51).

Frank, A., Fröhlich, M. & Lahm, S. (2011). Zwischenauswertung im Semester: Lehrveranstaltungen gemeinsam verändern. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 6 (3), 310-318.

Franz-Özdemir, M., Reimann, J. & Wessel, K. (2019). Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP).
Konzept und Umsetzung einer aktuellen Methode an der Schnittstelle von Evaluation und Lehrentwicklung. In: Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre. [Teil] I. Evaluation und Qualitätsmanagement. 1. Veranstaltungsevaluation. Berlin: DUZ Verlags- und Medienhaus (2019) I 1.17, S. 37-64.

Hurney, C., Harris, N., Bates Prins, S., & Kruck, S. E. (2014). The impact of a learner-centered, mid-semester course evaluation on students. The Journal of Faculty Development, 28(3), 55-62.

Penny, A. & Coe, R. (2004). Effectiveness of Consultation on Student Ratings Feedback: A Meta- Analysis. Review of Educational Research, 74 (2), 215–253.