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Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL)

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News (3852)

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Tue, 03. January 2023

Longer weekend opening hours in the Library

During exam preparation, the H-BRS library at the Sankt Augustin campus offers extended opening hours at the weekend.

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Mon, 23. January 2023

Kursbelegung für das Sommersemester 2023

Das Belegungsverfahren für Kurse im Sommersemester 2023 hat begonnen. Es endet am Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2023, um 23:59 Uhr.

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ZEV Konferenz Ethik der Transformation

Mon, 23. January 2023

Ethik der Transformation - Medienausstellung

Die Bibliothek der H-BRS greift die Themen der Konferenz "Ethik der Transformation" des ZEV auf und lädt mit einer Medienausstellung zur Vertiefung des Themas ein.

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Tue, 24. January 2023

Pictures of the Open Project Day winter semester 2022/23

On the Open Project Day in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism, students present their hands-on projects once a semester.

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Investor-Matching-Event (Januar 2023)

Wed, 01. March 2023

Successful matching event: H-BRS start-ups meet investors at the DIGITALHUB

Financing options and investments are crucial for young companies even in the early stages. On January 18, start-ups from H-BRS, the University of Bonn and had the opportunity to meet investors, including banks, venture capitalists and business angels, and to discuss potential investment opportunities. 

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Fri, 20. January 2023

Two ICRA workshops co-organised by the Autonomous Systems Group

Alex Mitrevski, Santosh Thoduka, and Prof. Plöger are co-organising a workshop on robot execution failures; Prof. Hochgeschwender is co-organising a workshop on robot software architectures

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Fri, 20. January 2023

Multiple papers by the Autonomous Systems Group accepted at ICRA 2023

The titles are "Analysing the Safety and Security of a UV-C Disinfection Robot", "Domain-specific languages for kinematic chains and their solver algorithms: lessons learned for composable models", and "LiDAR-based indoor localization with optimal particle filters using surface normal constraints"

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Thu, 19. January 2023

Paper by Argentina Ortega and Prof. Hochgeschwender accepted at IROS 2022

A. Ortega, N. Hochgeschwender, and Thorsten Berger, "Testing Service Robots in the Field: An Experience Report"

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Autonomous Systems Group at the Hannover Messe 2022

Thu, 19. January 2023

Autonomous Systems Group at the Hannover Messe 2022

The Autonomous Systems Group was there as part of the "Economic Region Bonn" and presented a new bimanual and modular mobile robot platform by KELO Robotics, a recent startup by our Prof. Prassler

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AFCEA award ceremony 2022

Thu, 19. January 2023

MAS graduate Arun Prabhu wins 2nd place AFCEA award for his master's thesis

Arun won the award for his master's thesis "An investigation of regression as an avenue to find precision-runtime trade-off for object segmentation"

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Thu, 19. January 2023

MAS student Samuel Parra wins "DAAD award for outstanding achievements of international students"

Samuel is not only an active student researcher, but also volunteers in the MAS foundations course and organises various social events for the MAS students

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Kaushik Manjunatha portrait

Thu, 19. January 2023

MAS student Kaushik Manjunatha part of an award-winning team at the ML2R Autumn School 2021

Kaushik was part of a team that won the "Autumn School Compactness Award"

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Thu, 19. January 2023

Alex Mitrevski, Prof. Plöger, and Prof. Lakemeyer take joint 2nd place for the best poster award at the SPAR workshop at IROS 2021

A. Mitrevski, P. G. Plöger, and G. Lakemeyer, "Hybrid Execution Models of Parameterised Actions for Explainable and Diagnosable Robot Action Execution"

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