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Communications and Marketing

H-BRS Editorial Staff (web)

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Web admins and editors for the website of Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

Editorial stuff responsible for the umbrella pages of the H-BRS website

Head of Communications and Marketing
Online manager
Online editors


Responsible for content of the web pages of H-BRS departments, institutes and central facilities

There are various decentralised websites of the departments and institutes of the university, each of which has its own responsible editor. Below you will find a list of editors whose pages are part of the website of the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (



Department of Natural Sciences
Department of Engineering and Communication
Department of Computer Science
Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies
Department of Management Sciences


Central facilities

University and District Library
International Office
Institute for IT-Service (ITS)
Language Centre
Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (ZWT)



Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)
Graduate Institute (GI)
Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (A2S)
Institute for Functional Gene Analytics (IFGA)
Institute for Management (IFM)
  • Web editor: N. N.
Institute for Media Research and Development (IMEA)
  • Web editor: N.N.
Institute of Safety and Security Research (ISF)
Institute for Social Innovations (ISI)
Institute for Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)
Institute of Visual Computing
International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE)
Centre for Ethics and Responsibility (ZEV)
  • Web editor: N. N.
Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL)


Administrative units

Administrative unit 1: Facility Management, Building and Safety
Administrative unit 2: Human Resources
Administrative unit 3:  Finance and Purchasing
Administrative unit 4: Planning, Organization and Controlling
Administrative unit 5: Student Affairs and Student Advice Centre
Law and Compliance

Sie haben noch Fragen?

Dominik Pieper 2025 V2

Dominik Pieper

Head of Communications and Marketing


Sankt Augustin


E 239


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Gabriele Neugebauer

Gabriele Neugebauer

Online Management


Sankt Augustin


E 241


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 397
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Juri Küstenmacher

Web Editor, CMS Admin


Sankt Augustin


E 241


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Contact hours

Montag bis Freitag: 10 bis 15:30 Uhr


+49 2241 865 9712