Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)
The TREE Institute - Research for the future
Expert Panels
In coordination with our partners, we periodically organize public seminars and discussion panels. These events serve as platforms for open discussion of issues and the exploration of innovative solutions.
Research Colloquia
Our regular research colloquia promote the exchange of scientific topics. Research partners, companies, and our research groups present their work in a lecture format. Subsequent specialized discussions allow for the sharing of experiences and the exploration of opportunities for collaboration.
People at TREE
At the Institute for Technology, Resource Conservation, and Energy Efficiency, approximately 80 scientists from the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg conduct research on topics related to technology and the natural sciences. They also offer their expertise for research and development projects.
Get to know us and learn more about the individuals at TREE!
Externer Beirat des TREEs
Der Beirat überwacht der Arbeit des Instituts und unterstützt das TREE bei seiner Strategieentwicklung. Alle fünf Jahre werden die Personen des Beirats neu gewählt, die letzte Wahl fand 2024 statt.
Our Understanding of Sustainability
Our understanding of sustainability is based on a holistic examination of scientific and technological innovations in terms of their ecological, economic, and social impacts on society.