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Mon, 15. July 2024

Course enrolment for the winter semester 2024/25

The enrolment process for courses in the winter semester 2024/25 has begun. It ends on Wednesday, 31 July 2024, at 23:59.

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Data Saturday #50 - 2024

Fri, 05. July 2024

Data Saturday Rhineland 2024 a complete success

„Data Saturday“ was held for the ninth time at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Together with PASS Deutschland e. V. UG Rheinland, Professor Harm Knolle from the Department of Computer Science organised a varied programme for experts on the various data platforms from Microsoft and other manufacturers.

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Dr. Alexander Marquardt (IVC) präsentiert den mit Vago Solutions gemeinsam entwickelten KI Avatar mit eigenem deutschen Sprachmodell

Thu, 27. June 2024

Great interest in AI avatar at the Museumsmeilenfest in Bonn

At the Museumsmeilenfest, Dr Alexander Marquardt from the Institute for Visual Computing (IVC) at H-BRS presented the prototype of an innovative AI avatar together with Dr Daryoush Vaziri and David Golchinfar, the two founders of the company Vago Solutions. This avatar is based on the German language model SauerkrautLM, which was developed by Vago Solutions.

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UNB Predident Paul Mazerolle (l), Kenneth Kent and UNB Vice-President David MaGee

Fri, 14. June 2024

Kenneth Kent receives UNB's -Award for Excellence in Research

University of New Brunswick in Canada honours Prof. B. Kenneth Kent, Honorary Professor at H-BRS in the Department of Computer Science, for his outstanding achievements in research.

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Digitaltag - Projekt CrossComITS präsentiert sich mit zwei Lesungen

Fri, 14. June 2024

CrossComITS presents stories on cyber security at Digitaltag 2024

In cooperation with the Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung an Sieg und Rhein, Prof Dr Wolfgang Heiden presented entertaining stories about cybersecurity in two readings at the Digitaltag 2024 as part of the CrossComITS project at H-BRS in Siegburg.

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20240613 Kanzlerin Angela Fischer mit Dekan Sascha Alda (re) und Prodekan Matthias Bertram (li)

Thu, 13. June 2024

Chancellor congratulates the newly elected Dean's Board in the Department of Computer Science

Angela Fischer, Chancellor of H-BRS, personally congratulates Dean Prof Dr Sascha Alda and Vice Dean Prof Dr Matthias Bertram on their re-election to the Department of Computer Science. 

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Wed, 05. June 2024

Department of Computer Science: Dean's office confirmed

Prof Dr Sascha Alda extends his term of office as Dean of the Department of Computer Science. Prof Dr Matthias Bertram remains Vice Dean.

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Thu, 23. May 2024

23.05.-04.06.2024 - Evaluation von Lehrveranstaltungen

Was gefällt euch gut, was könnte noch besser werden in der Lehre? Gebt euren Profs doch auch mal Noten!

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Mon, 13. May 2024

Neue Öffnungszeiten im Fachbereichssekretariat

Das Sekretariat des Fachbereichs Informatik hat seine Öffnungszeiten erweitert. Seit dem 2. Mai 2024 ist es auch am Donnerstagnachmittag geöffnet.

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Gebäude der UNB in Fredericton, New Brunswick; Kanada

Mon, 06. May 2024

Extension of the adjunct professorship for Prof Hinkenjann at UNB New Brunswick in Canada

The University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton, Canada, has extended the Adjunct Professorship for Prof Dr André Hinkenjann, Head of the Institute of Visual Computing and Professor of Computer Graphics and Interactive Systems in the Department of Computer Science, for a further five years. 

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Thu, 11. April 2024

Research team investigates changes in motion perception in space

Dr Nils Bury from the Institute for Visual Computing (IVC), together with researchers from York University led by Prof Dr Laurence Harries, the Canadian Space Agency and NASA, has investigated whether the microgravity of space affects the perception of human self-motion. The first of three studies on this topic has now been published.

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Wed, 10. April 2024

Welcome Master students SoSe 24

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science! These are our new Master's students in the summer semester 2024. We wish you all a successful degree programme!

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IEEE VR 2024, Orlando, USA - Dr. Alexander Marquardt präsentiert sein Paper

Mon, 25. March 2024

Dr Alexander Marquardt presents research studies at the IEEE VR 2024

The IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR) is the leading international event for the presentation of research results in the fields of virtual, augmented and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR) and took place this year in Orlando, Florida/USA. Postdoctoral researcher Dr Alexander Marquardt from H-BRS was able to present the results of his research on the topic of "Selection Performance and Reliability of Eye and Head Gaze Tracking Under Varying Light Conditions".

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