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Department of Engineering and Communication

Master projects

The two-semester Master's projects are part of the Master's degree programmes in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Engineering, which begin in the summer semester. Students work independently on a cross-module task in which the theoretical knowledge they have learnt is applied directly. The application-orientated research and development character of the projects specifically promotes knowledge and understanding of engineering practice.

List of Master's projects

Two complete days per week are set aside for the Master's project, so that project work is given equal weighting with the teaching of theoretical content. The projects are individual, have an excellent supervision ratio and promote independent work. The combination of theory and practice also trains communicative, systematic and instrumental skills.


Choice of Master's projects

There are Master's projects that are only aimed at electrical engineers, mechanical engineers or sustainable engineering scientists and there are Master's projects that are suitable for both electrical engineers and mechanical engineers as well as sustainable engineering scientists (or only one specialisation). The Master's projects for the coming summer semester will be advertised on the homepage from the beginning of the year. The supervising professor will provide further information on the respective project and on how to apply. These and any other Master's projects will be presented at the beginning of the summer semester.

Please refer to the project description to find out whether a Master's project is suitable for your degree programme. If you are interested in a project, please contact the respective supervisor.


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Gerd Steinebach



Sankt Augustin


B 251


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin