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Department of Engineering and Communication

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News (3824)

Screenshot Institut für IT-Service 20230921 yt

Tue, 26. September 2023

Video: The Institute for IT Service introduces itself

The Institute for IT Service (ITS) is responsible for the further development and operational management of the central university IT and links it with a research and development components.

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b-it-bots at the ERL Smart City Competition 2023

Thu, 21. September 2023

Successful performance by the b-it-bots at the ERL Smart City Competition 2023

The team won the challenges "Through the Door" and "Socially Acceptable Item Delivery", and also a joint best-overall team award

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Prof. Dr. Teena C. Hassan

Wed, 20. September 2023

Prof. Dr Teena C. Hassan takes over as director of the A2S Institute

With Prof. Dr. Teena Chakkalayil Hassan, a young professor from the Department of Computer Science takes over the leadership of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (A2S) at the H-BRS.

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AFCEA Studienpreisverleihung 2023

Wed, 20. September 2023

1st and 2nd place at AFCEA Study Award 2023

Two students from the Autonomous Systems Master's programme in the Department of Computer Science at the H-BRS won first and second place in the study award of the User Forum for Telecommunications, Computers, Electronics and Automation (AFCEA) this year.

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Besuch des hlb-Präsidenten Tobias Plessing 2023

Tue, 19. September 2023

Neuer hlb-Präsident Plessing besucht H-BRS

Professor Tobias Plessing, neuer Präsident des Hochschullehrerbunds hlb, war jetzt zum Antrittsbesuch an der H-BRS.

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IO-NRWege Programm

Wed, 12. July 2023

Application Round for the "NRWege ins Studium" Scholarship 2024

The program "NRWege ins Studium" supports Ukrainian students at our University of Applied Sciences with scholarships. 

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kinderuni starke filme sta 20230914 foto juri kuestenmacher 26.JPG

Wed, 20. September 2023

Children's University in September 2023: Making powerful films (Gallery)

At the first event of the Children's University in the Rhein-Sieg district of the school year 2023/24 "Making strong films - the secret of storytelling", lecturer Sabine Fricke invited the children to the audio and video studio.

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Strategiemeeting IVC 2023

Sat, 16. September 2023

Highlights vom IVC Strategiemeeting

Das Institut für Visual Computing (IVC) der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) hat erfolgreich sein jährliches Strategiemeeting vom 6. bis 7. September 2023 im Haus Schlesien in Königswinter abgehalten. Das Treffen versammelte fast 30 Teilnehmer, darunter die Kanzlerin der H-BRS, der Dekan des Fachbereichs Informatik, Professoren und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter des IVC. Die Agenda war gefüllt mit spannenden Diskussionen und inspirierenden Impulsvorträgen.

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Übergabe von technischem Equipment an das IFM

Tue, 10. October 2023

Handover of technical equipment to the IFM

TOFI coordinator Paulina Hinz traveled with us as part of the first alumni workshop, which was created in collaboration between the Department of Social Policy and Social Security at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) and the Institute of Finance and Management (IFM) in Tanzania to Dar es Salaam met, among others, Deputy Rector Dr. Imanueli D. Mnzava.

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Fri, 15. September 2023

SIS and Co not available on 21 and 22 September 2023

Due to necessary work in connection with the introduction of the Campus Management System HISinOne, access to several central systems of the H-BRS will not be possible on Thursday, 21 and Friday, 22 September 2023.

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MSc Social Protection Alumni in Tanzania

Fri, 15. September 2023

MSc Social Protection Alumni Event in Tanzania

The alumni workshop brought 27 alumni and 3 staff members of the Master's programme in Social Protection (MSc) together with social protection and insurance experts and practitioners to facilitate knowledge exchange, foster innovative ideas, and promote collaborative efforts toward enhancing social protection systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

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Fri, 15. September 2023

PhD for Daniel Klein

On Aug. 23, 2023, Daniel Klein successfully defended his dissertation and can soon call himself Dr. rer. nat. The cooperative doctorate was carried out together with the University of Siegen, where the defense also took place.

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Nachts in Paris von Luisa Hubo

Tue, 19. September 2023

„À la française“ - Photo exhibition by Erasmus+ students in the library

Photo exhibition „À la française“ in the library on Sankt Augustin campus Opening reception on 10 October at 12:00

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