Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (ZWT)

Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
Zusammenarbeit, hbrs_ctw_panumas_adobestock_138922277_web.jpeg (DE)

Collaborative research

The ZWT advises, accompanies and supports research proposals and is the interface between researchers and potential project partners.

The ZWT's research funding supports researchers at the university in all steps of applying for public funding - from the initial project idea to the application and submission to the exploitation of research results. In addition, the ZWT team advises on relevant funding programmes, legal issues and exploitation aspects.

The ZWT also provides support when it comes to finding cooperation partners such as companies, associations or organisations to realise joint research and cooperation projects.

Adobe Stock Erfindung und Patente Innovation Mall

Inventions and patents

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FAQ Third-party funding notification

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Adobe Stock Förderprogramme Innovation Mall

Support programmes

Adobe Stock Antragstellung Innovation Mall


Adobe Stock Erfindung und Patente Innovation Mall

Inventions and patents

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FAQ Third-party funding notification

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Are you a scientist at the H-BRS? Then sign up for the FIT newsletter

Adobe Stock Förderprogramme Innovation Mall

Support programmes

Adobe Stock Antragstellung Innovation Mall


Adobe Stock Erfindung und Patente Innovation Mall

Inventions and patents