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Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation (ZIEL)

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News (3864)

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Tue, 26. August 2014

COSPAR travel grant awarded to Zhang Yu

PhD student Zhang Yu from the Department of Natural Sciences will present his academic paper at the 40th COSPAR Conference in Moscow. Yu has been awarded one of the coveted travel grants...

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Tue, 26. August 2014

Code of Conduct

The Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences has agreed to accept the "National Code of Conduct on Foreign Students at German Universities", aimed at securing and continuously...

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Tue, 26. August 2014

First RISE Scholarship Students on the Campus

The programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which serves to promote student exchange from North America and the UK to Germany, is entitled “Research Internships in...

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Tue, 26. August 2014

New Contributions to Stem Cell Research

Edda Tobiasch, professor at the Department of Applied Natural Sciences on the Rheinbach campus, has made a contribution to the new publication on “Stem Cell Engineering” with an article...

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Tue, 26. August 2014

First Partnership with African University

Since the end of May, Cape Coast University in Ghana has been a partner university of the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and has thus given a new boost to our...

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Tue, 26. August 2014

Annual Report 2013: Shaping Change

The title of the annual report 2013 "Shaping change: The University Addresses Society‘s Probing Challenges"

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Tue, 26. August 2014

Summer Academy for Media and Politics

Students, academics and colleagues of the programme in Technical Journalism met with their counterparts from the University of Istanbul for an exchange of views from 14-18 September...

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Tue, 26. August 2014

OSSCOM Kick-Off Meeting

From 27 to 28 March 2014 the first meeting of all partners to the OSSCOM project under the aegis of Professor Rainer Herpers will be held at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University. OSCCOM stands for...

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Tue, 26. August 2014

Success in the Management Cup

H-BRS was ranked among the Top 10 universities in the Management Cup, the nation-wide business simulation game carried out by the German “Wirtschaftswoche” magazine.

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Tue, 26. August 2014

Informative Visit for Jordanian Guests

As was clearly visible, Professor Mustafa Adwan, the Secretary-General of the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education and Science, and Professor Ahmad Abu-El-Haija, TEMPUS co-ordinator in...

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Tue, 26. August 2014

International Student Barometer

Very good response: approximately 45% of all international students at our University took part in the survey. Deepa Gurung is the winner of a book voucher.

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Tue, 26. August 2014

Company Representatives Rate Universities

In cooperation with Universum Consulting and the Handelsblatt Publishing Group, accessKelly OCG has been rating universities by interviewing HR managers in companies for four years. The...

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Tue, 26. August 2014

As good as it gets

The PhD student Yu Zhang from the Department of Natural Sciences completed his doctoral thesis and final defense at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf on 10 July 2014 with a mark of 1.0 (magna cum laude).

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