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Department of Management Sciences

Start-up Development and Impact Innovations (MBA)


Welcome to the MBA programme Start-up Development and Impact Innovations

The part-time Master's programme combines practical education and personal development for prospective founders and prospective students who want to bring about transformation in companies. The MBA programme focuses on finding personal purpose, developing entrepreneurial skills and promoting innovation with sustainable impact. The programme integrates state-of-the-art teaching methods and takes place primarily online and through self-study to ensure maximum flexibility. Shape the future of entrepreneurship and contribute to positive change as a changemaker!

The MBA programme at a glance

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  • Professional studies with maximum flexibility and organisation. You decide: 5 or 4 semesters in Fast Track
  • Innovative teaching concept with blended learning, online and classroom teaching
  • Competence and application-orientated forms of examination
  • Practice and theory perfectly combined - the focus is on your own start-up or innovation project
  • Discover your purpose and find out what drives you
  • Individual coaching, mentoring and personal development by experts
  • Present apprenticeship in an attractive start-up atmosphere
  • Networking and integration into the start-up ecosystem
  • Study fees tax-deductible as income-related expenses and scholarships possible

MBA-Infoveranstaltung am 4. Februar 2025

"It's not only business anymore. It's more." – der MBA-Studiengang Start-up Development hat sich inhaltlich und strukturell weiterentwickelt: Das Programm wird zukünftig berufsbegleitend angeboten und legt seinen Schwerpunkt auf Innovationen mit Impact und den damit verbundenen Werten Purpose, Sustainability und Social.

Erfahre mehr zu Studieninhalten und -organisation, zum Bewerbungsprozess sowie zu den Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten und Stipendien in unserer Infoveranstaltung. Gerne beantworten wir alle deine Fragen zum MBA-Programm.

Personal and interdisciplinary

Learning in a small group and in close contact with experienced experts from (start-up) practice, research and academic teaching enables an interdisciplinary exchange under optimal learning conditions. Studying in heterogeneous and diverse teams promotes the creative and innovative skills of our participants and prepares them for the transformation of entrepreneurship.

Structured and flexible

The modular and clearly structured curriculum offers all students who are working and/or interested in starting a business maximum flexibility and enables them to optimally combine their studies, career and family commitments (work-study-life integration). As starting a business places maximum demands on the flexibility and individual planning of the degree programme, the MBA will be offered as a part-time degree programme with two study options from summer semester 2025. Students have the option of completing their studies either within four semesters as part of the "fast track" or in five semesters as a regular part-time programme. Both study programmes are compatible and can be individually adapted during the course - it is not necessary to decide before the start of the programme. This means that students can decide each semester whether they would like to shorten the duration of their studies by bringing forward the on-demand courses. This gives students the freedom to adapt their further education to their individual life plans.

Practical and up-to-date

The world is facing major challenges, and at the same time these challenges offer the best opportunities to create something new. Green start-ups no longer strive solely for economic success, but want to help shape innovations and transformations that have a positive impact on the world. Students are encouraged to develop a start-up idea or business innovation that combines economic, ecological and social aspects.

We ensure that our teaching is up-to-date. At least 50 per cent of lecturers contribute their own wealth of practical experience and up-to-date knowledge from the start-up ecosystem. This is underpinned by complementary face-to-face sessions within the start-up scene for direct application and networking. In addition, our aim is to prepare students for the future in terms of the green economy with impulses from practice and current research projects.

An entrepreneurial mindset is also an important key to innovation and transformation in established companies. Corporate entrepreneurs are the driving force behind progress in their companies. In order to continue to be successful in a more resource-conscious world, the corporate philosophy must therefore be: People, Planet, Profit, because the global relevance of making the economy climate-neutral means that only companies that operate sustainably will be competitive in the long term. The resulting structural change requires agility and resilience throughout the entire company and necessitates the development and implementation of a coherent sustainability strategy.

Programme content and course of study

The MBA participants are enabled to discover their own purpose, recognise their own potential and strengths, develop a responsible entrepreneurial attitude and act accordingly. The programme provides students with all the know-how relevant to start-ups as well as the tools and methods for business transformation to drive forward the independent development and implementation of their start-up and innovation projects. Knowledge of innovation concepts as well as methods and techniques for the (digital) transformation of companies are taught as part of the continuing education programme in business administration. The direct application focus and strong integration into practice give students a high level of process understanding, enabling them to develop the ability to organise work processes in a quality-conscious manner and with a high degree of self-management, efficiency and structure.

Students develop a deep understanding of purpose, both in terms of their own mission and in relation to organisational practice. They will be able to identify risks and global challenges and develop solution and market entry strategies. Students will be able to analyse, design, critically reflect on, introduce and manage transformation processes and innovations in new organisations as well as in existing companies.

A central component of the degree programme is the development of leadership skills and management knowledge. Students are not only prepared for founding their own company, but also for activities in the field of innovation and for taking on management responsibility within existing companies - whether in start-ups or corporations, in associations and NGOs. The degree programme forms the interface between research and practical expertise and enables graduates to recognise challenges as opportunities - and therefore as potential business opportunities - in order to shape the future and implement sustainability in an entrepreneurial way.

Career and prospects

After successfully completing the programme, students will have the knowledge to successfully found and develop a start-up and take on management responsibility. They also acquire the key skills required to work in innovation management in large corporations, actively initiate and manage transformations and drive sustainability in companies.

Potential areas of activity:

Start-ups, innovation hubs, impact hubs, incubators, accelerators, innovation management, strategic management, management consultancies, market research, product management, marketing

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree enables further academic qualification in the form of a doctorate and a subsequent academic career in research and development, teaching and transfer. It also offers the opportunity to enter academic and science-related fields of work that do not necessarily require a doctorate.


Master's degree

Standard period of study

5 semesters with a total of 120 ECTS credits (4 semesters in fast track)

Language skills




Start of course

Summer term

Semester contribution


A first professionally qualifying university degree with at least 180 ECTS and at least two years of relevant professional experience.

Application period

Application period: Annually from 15 November to 15 March.

Tuition fees

3.900 euros per semester plus reduced semester fee


by the Accreditation Council Foundation, assessed by AQAS

„The direct line to people with experience, the network and the exchange with fellow students are clear advantages of the degree programme compared to starting up on your own. These three factors enrich my start-up project enormously. I have the feeling that things have really taken off since starting the MBA.”

Moritz Samrock - Master's student, Start-up Development (MBA)

To the experience report
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Information on the degree programme

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Study programme and module handbook

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Teaching and examinations

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Teachers and network


Students and alumni

Application information

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Application and admission


Tuition fees and funding


Corporate Entrepreneurship

Latest news

Teaser AWAKE Gründerinnenprogramm

Bewerbungsstart für AWAKE II Gründerinnenprogramm

Exkursion Frankfurt Finance Club 202412 Foto FCBRS 10.jpg

Finance Club: Exkursion in die Börsenstadt Frankfurt

Portrait Professor Gadatsch - Personenseite (DE)

Prof. Dr. Gadatsch gave a lecture on ‘Sustainability in IT Controlling’

Contact us

Departmental Office Management Sciences Rheinbach Campus




B 131


Von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 12:00

Monday to Thursday: from 13:00 by appointment

Course guidance service Start-up Development (MBA)




H 303


von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach

Opening hours

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.

Contact to the Registrar's Office


Campus Sankt Augustin: Grantham Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin // Rooms E039 - E040 & E044 - E048

Campus Rheinbach: Egermanstr. 1, 53359 Rheinbach // Rooms 1.304 - 1.305

Opening hours

Telephone consultation hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, Monday - Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00

Personal consultation hours by appointment only

Heads of the degree programme Start-up Development (MBA)




von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach