Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (CENTIM)
SUPRA: Start-up Programm Rheinbach Sankt Augustin

The "Start-up Programme Rheinbach Sankt Augustin" (SUPRA) aims to increase the interest in entrepreneurship at H-BRS and to expand the number of successful start-ups at the university and in the Bonn/Rhein-Sieg region. This is made possible by the success in the "EXIST Potentials" programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), formerly the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). For the four-year project period, which began on 1 May 2020, the H-BRS will receive funding of around 2.1 million euros, including the necessary own contribution of ten percent of the funding amount.
SUPRA is intended to establish a new contact point at the university for all those interested in starting a business as well as founders of the H-BRS, which bundles and complements all existing offers at the university. Networking between those interested in founding and the regional start-up ecosystem is also to be expanded and strengthened.
SUPRA's target group are students, employees and alumni of the university who are interested in founding a company, want to start or already run a company.
Lowering barriers to starting a business
"I don't have the business idea...", "I don't have enough capital..." or "I don't have enough professional experience..." are thoughts that can initially stand in the way of those interested in setting up a business. This is where SUPRA comes in and offers a wide range of support services in the form of consultations, coaching or workshops from idea to implementation.
To improve the ecosystem for knowledge and technology-based start-ups at the university and in the entire region, the university is establishing a central contact point with the help of the SUPRA programme: the "Start-up-Manufaktur", the university-wide entrepreneurship centre.
Entrepreneurship centre: "Start-up-Manufaktur"

With "Start-up-Manufaktur", a new contact point is to be created for those interested in starting a business, where all existing and newly offered services of the H-BRS will be bundled and will offer an optimal start-up environment at the university. The services include the following three fields of action:
Offering different events play a central role in raising awareness among the target groups. For example, workshops, idea competitions, start-up round tables, speed dating, lectures and practical projects are offered. By raising awareness of the topic, entrepreneurial self-employment is to be considered as an alternative to dependent employment. Successful entrepreneurs act as start-up role models.
At Bachelor level, an extensive foundation curriculum offers comprehensive opportunities for further education. Individual certificate courses are also offered for external students. At the Master's level, a new degree programme MBA Start-up Development is planned, which is aimed at those interested in founding a company. Upon graduation, students should not only obtain the MBA, but also have realised their own start-up project.
Various services of individualised consultations and coaching support those interested in setting up a business in all phases of the start-up process. The offer is complemented by the establishment of an H-BRS start-up network. Through active start-up scouting at the university, untapped potential is to be recognised and promoted. This is aimed in particular at the exploitation of innovative research results and IP by start-ups. Courses provide relevant start-up know-how, implementation approaches and practical relevance.

What exactly does SUPRA do and who do we work with? Get to know our stakeholders in the short video clip and learn more about the new SUPRA project at H-BRS.

Start-up-Manufaktur - Kontakt
Sankt Augustin
F413 (Campus Sankt Augustin), H306 (Campus Rheinbach)
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