Department of Management Sciences

A changing world. MBA Start-up Development (MBA) in a changing world. Next programme start SoSe 25

Monday 25 March 2024

"It's not just business anymore. It's more."

Transformation begins in the mind - Our MBA Start-up Development is redefining itself. Be curious and discover your purpose with us!
Source: Unsplash. Demonstrator holding a cardboard sign with the inscription "Planet over Profit".

The world is facing major challenges - and at the same time, these challenges offer the best opportunities to create something new. Green start-ups no longer strive solely for economic success, but want to help shape transformations that have a positive impact on the world. This is why the Start-up Development (MBA) degree programme is evolving: in future, the focus will be on impact and the three core topics of purpose, sustainability and social responsibility.

At the same time, the new concept of the degree programme will focus more strongly on the target group of intrapreneurs in addition to entrepreneurs and will also be geared towards the demand and needs of (regional) companies in terms of content. After all, an entrepreneurial mindset is also the key to innovative strength and transformation in established companies. The triad should also be here in future: People, Planet, Profit.

In the course of this extensive redesign, the next (re)start of the MBA will be postponed to the summer semester 2025. All information and changes to the degree programme will be available here on our website over the next few months.

The next application phase starts on 15 November 2024!

Register now for the online information event and gain initial insights into the new MBA concept

Become a changemaker and shape the future of entrepreneurship! - Innovation can be learnt. And study at H-BRS. Find out more about the planned new course content, the (new) course structure and organisation, the application process for the summer semester 2025 and financing options. We will be happy to answer your questions about the degree programme.

Contact us

portrait_chaake_farbe_web_schmal.jpg (DE)

Christine Haake

Research Assistant, Coordinator MBA programme Start-up Development, Project Management Start-up Manufaktur

CENTIM - Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs




H 303


von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359 Rheinbach

Contact hours

Consultation appointment bookable via Calendly: Link below


+49 2241 865 9606
Renate van Beek (DE)

Renate van Beek

Research assistant, Program Coordinator MBA Start-up Development




Raum H 303


Von-Liebig-Str. 20

53359, Rheinbach


+49 2241 865 9920