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Department of Social Policy and Social Security Studies

Sustainable Social Policy (BA)

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Growing poverty, unequal education opportunities and social injustice. Germany needs someone to tackle these problems and who does more than just talk about them. Someone who will also be important for future generations. If you want to take a critical look at our social system, analyse problems, develop ideas to solve them and communicate with the right target group via the media, then the bachelor’s degree programme in Sustainable Social Policy (BA) is exactly right for you.

Video of the Sustainable Social Policy (BA) degree programme

Studieren an der H-BRS (2024)

Programme content

Our Bachelor's degree programme in Sustainable Social Policy (B.A.) deals with the entire spectrum of social policy in Germany. Poverty and wealth, educational opportunities, social injustice, the social system, pensions, health insurance, co-determination, elections and intergenerational contracts are all topics that the programme deals with on the basis of current scientific findings. Students also study topics from the social sciences, media and communication studies, economics and law. During the seven-semester programme, they learn how to develop proposals for solutions to the challenges facing society and democracy internationally and in Germany on the basis of scientific analysis.

Prospects and job opportunities

The professional field of social policy is wide-ranging and offers graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme in Sustainable Social Policy (BA) many opportunities in the public sector, with civil society actors and in the private sector. Possible fields of employment include identifying social trends, carrying out situation analyses and examining and developing design options or communication strategies. Potential employers include ministries, political parties, trade unions, foundations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), media companies, consulting, educational and research institutions. Students gain professional orientation as early as the 6th semester as part of an internship semester.

Required language skills

Courses are held in German and English.


The degree programme is located on the Sankt Augustin campus of Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. The campus is easily accessible by public transport.

How to find us: Directions


Bachelor's degree

Standard period of study

7 semesters, including practical semester

Language skills

English, German


Sankt Augustin

Start of course

Winter semester

Semester contribution


Formal requirements for admission are the “Fachhochschulreife” or “Allgemeine Hochschulreife” higher-level secondary school-leaving qualification, or a corresponding vocational qualification, or previous education that is regarded as being of equivalent value. A local “numerus clausus” (local NC) is decisive for admission. For more information about requirements, see the “Admission requirements” link below on the right-hand side.


The degree programme is free of admission. You can enrol from 1 June to 1 October for the start of the winter semester.

Language skills

Teaching mainly in German; individual modules in English


The programme was accredited by evalag in October 2017
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Information for First Semester Students

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A Look into the Modules

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Career Prospects (Bachelor's Degree Programme in Sustainable Social Policy)

Fachschaft Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung in Sankt Augustin

Student Council Social Policy and Social Security (Sankt Augustin)

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Practical Semester


International in the Sustainable Social Policy (B.A.) Degree Program

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Documents and Regulations in the Bachelor Programme Sustainable Social Policy

MBA Examinations

Examinations and Examination Board in the Department of Social Policy and Social Security

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Lecture Series Interjections on Social Policy

The responsible contacts for questions

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Questions about application and enrolment can be answered by the Registrar's Office


Information on course content and progression and (career) prospects can be obtained from the Course Guidance Services

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The Student Advice Centre provides advice on choosing, starting and completing a degree programme

Welcome Schriftzug Colourbox (DE)

Advice for international students


Departmental Office Social Policy and Social Security Studies

Course guidance service Bachelor Sustainable Social Policy


Sankt Augustin


K 208


Rathausallee 10

53757, Sankt Augustin

Opening hours

Tuesdays, 09:00-16:00, by prior arrangement

Wednesdays, 14:30-15:30 (presence); Fridays, 09:30-10:30 (by telephone)

Contact to the Registrar's Office


Campus Sankt Augustin: Grantham Allee 20, 53757 Sankt Augustin // Rooms E039 - E040 & E044 - E048

Campus Rheinbach: Egermanstr. 1, 53359 Rheinbach // Rooms 1.304 - 1.305

Opening hours

Telephone consultation hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, Monday - Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00

Personal consultation hours by appointment only



Sankt Augustin