Department of Engineering and Communication
Prof. Dr Robert Lange
Engineering, esp. electrical engineering and electronic circuit technology/Research professorship/Director of Institute for Safety and Security Research (ISF)/Professor Member of Graduate School for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia (PK NRW)
Department of Engineering and Communication, Institute for Safety and Security Research (ISF), Institute of Technology, Resource and Energy-efficient Engineering (TREE)
Research fields
- Smart Optical Sensors
- Optical 3D Measurement Techniques. Emphasis on 3D Time-of-Flight Camera Systems
- Biometric Applications
Sankt Augustin
G 033
Grantham-Allee 20
53757 Sankt Augustin
+49 2241 865 352Profile
Curriculum vitae
- Born on March 20th, 1972.
- Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Communications Technology) at University of Siegen, (1991-1996).
- PhD in "Solid-State 3D ToF Camera" at CSEM Zurich, ETH Zurich and University of Siegen, (1997-2000).
- Project Manager for development of Inline Color Measurement System at Gretag Macbeth AG, Regensdorf, Switzerland, (2000-2003).
- Director of Technical Development for Development of Time-of-Flight Image Sensors and Camera Systems at pmdtechnologies ag, Siegen, (2003-2018).
- Professor for Electronics and Photonics at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, (since 2018).
Member of Graduate School for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia (PK NRW), (since 2021).
- Research Professor at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, (since 2022).
- Director of Institute for Safety and Security Research (ISF) at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, (since 2024).
Research Projects
The project continues the research work and test operation of the Biolab project. In addition to existing research focuses, the project is also dedicated to new approaches in biometrics, such as the development of quality metrics for synthetic characters and the use of time-of-flight cameras to detect overpass attacks.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Robert Lange Prof. Dr Norbert JungCBRN incidents and resulting casualties are a permanent threat across the continent. In past incidents, First Responders were often required to provide help without having conducted sufficient training on how to operate in CBRN incidents. Moreover, First Responders seldom are aware of the risks that CBBN material poses to their health. The management of a CBRN scene including the recovery of persons concerned requires standard operating procedures, advanced skills and suitable equipment. A step-by-step approach needs to include (1) detection of the CBRN threat, (2) triage of casualties and (3) on-site decontamination before the provision of medical aid. The aim is to establish a unified framework for evaluating capabilities, procedures and co-developed solutions to be used in CBRN-E preparedness and response.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Peter-Michael KaulThe aim of the project is to develop a new system approach for optical 3D imaging cameras that combines different measurement approaches in an extended measurement architecture and thus overcomes the current limitations of today's 3D cameras. The technology to be developed should enable robust and safe operation, especially in functional safety applications. To this end, the measuring range and robustness in the detection of fast movements are to be improved compared to the state of the art. The planned basic technology is the ToF camera method (time-of-flight method). FKZ: 13FH554KX1
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Robert Lange Prof. Dr Norbert JungModern sensor technology and mobile measuring systems enable close monitoring of environmental data and pollution. Examples are climate data and trends, pollution and emissions, or changes in the microclimate due to large-scale construction measures. Through municipalities ("Smart Cities"), but also in citizen science ("Citizen Science" and "Citizen Sensors") projects, a wide variety of sensor systems are used, which can also provide important information in the event of disasters and major damage.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr André Hinkenjann Prof. Dr Ernst Kruijff Prof. Dr Peter-Michael Kaul Prof. Dr Robert LangeThe Biolab project is dedicated to the continuous and comprehensive evaluation of biometric systems. The project investigates the performance, security and usability aspects of biometric systems. The results lead to training courses and workshops for authorities, police forces, manufacturers and end users. The Biometrics Evaluation Center (BEZ) at the Sankt Augustin campus is the place of implementation.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Norbert Jung Prof. Dr Robert LangeCities and municipalities must create the right framework conditions for road traffic so that it is compatible for everyone from an ecological, economic and social point of view. To ensure this, precise measurements of traffic volumes and a classification of road users are required.
Project management at the H-BRS
Prof. Dr Jürgen Apfelbeck Prof. Dr Robert Lange Prof. Dr Robert SchollPublications
Prof. Dr. Robert Lange
Niklas Alexander Köhler, Marcel Geis, Claudius Nöh, Alexandra Mielke, Volker Groß, Robert Lange, Keywan Sohrabi, Jochen Frey:
Key Parameters for Performance and Resilience Modeling of 3D Time-of-Flight Cameras Under Consideration of Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Phase Noise Wiggling.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.3390/s25010109 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-88067 PMID
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Florian Erwin Blümel, Mathias Schulz, Ralph Breithaupt, Norbert Jung, Robert Lange:
Enhancing Resilience in Biometric Research: Generation of 3D Synthetic Face Data Using Advanced 3D Character Creation Techniques from High-Fidelity Video Games and Animation.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.3390/s24092750 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-82894 PMID
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Tobias Scheer, Markus Rohde, Ralph Breithaupt, Norbert Jung, Robert Lange:
Customizable Presentation Attack Detection for Improved Resilience of Biometric Applications Using Near-Infrared Skin Detection.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.3390/s24082389 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-82645 PMID
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Elias Ellingen, Markus Rohde, Bastian Stahl, Robert Lange:
Fourier scatterometry for compensation of tilt and curvature deviations of two-photon polymerization three-dimensional printers.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.1117/1.JOM.3.4.043501 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-76295
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Elias Ellingen, Markus Rohde, Bastian Stahl, Robert Lange:
Fourier scatterometry for compensation of tilt and curvature deviations of two photon polymerization 3d printers.
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Bastian Stahl, Jürgen Apfelbeck, Robert Lange:
Classification of Micromobility Vehicles in Thermal-Infrared Images Based on Combined Image and Contour Features Using Neuromorphic Processing.
PDF Download (CC BY 4.0) doi:10.3390/app13063795 urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-66488
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Bastian Stahl, Robert Lange, Jürgen Apfelbeck:
Evaluation of a concept for classification of micromobility vehicles based on thermal-infrared imaging and neuromorphic processing.
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R. Lange, S. Böhmer, B. Buxbaum:
CMOS-based optical time-of-flight 3D imaging and ranging.
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Lutz Heyne, Stephan Ulrich, Robert Lange:
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Robert Lange:
Lichtlaufzeitkamera mit Bewegungserkennung.
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Holger Bette, Holger Kraft, Robert Lange:
Transportmittel mit 3D-Kamera.
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Robert Lange, Martin Albrecht:
Scattered light reference pixel.
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Robert Lange:
Time of flight camera system.
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Robert Lange:
Time of flight camera system.
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Robert Lange:
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Robert Lange:
Time-of-flight camera with motion detection.
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Robert Lange, Holger Bette, Holger Kraft:
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Robert Lange, Martin Albrecht, Bernd Buxbaum, Rolf Fensterle, Martin Buck:
Method and device for distance measurement.
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Bernd Buxbaum, Robert Lange, Thorsten Ringbeck:
3D Time-of-Flight (ToF).
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Robert Lange, Holger Kraft, Holger Bette:
Photomischdetektor und Verfahren zu dessen Betrieb.
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Torsten Gollewski, Robert Lange, Thorsten Ringbeck:
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Laufzeitsensitiven Messung eines Signals.
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Bernd Damhofer, Robert Lange, Holger Karft, Volker Frey:
Steuergerät für ein Lichtlaufzeitkamerasystem.
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Robert Lange, Holger Bette:
PMD-Kamera mit einer Phasenregelung der Beleuchtung.
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Robert Lange:
Lichtlaufzeitkamera mit einem Busanschluss.
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Jörg Hilgenstock, Robert Lange, Helmut Riedel, Thorsten Ringbeck:
Verfahren und Entfernungsmessvorrichtung zum Bestimmen der Entfernung zwischen einem Objekt und der Vorrichtung.
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Robert Lange:
3D-ToF Imaging with PMD Sensors – Application Requirements and Solutions.
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Bernd Buxbaum, Bianca Hagebeuker, Robert Lange, Thorsten Ringbeck:
3D Time-of-Flight (ToF).
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Markus Grothof, Robert Lange, Bernd Schneider, Ralph Wilks:
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Stefan Hoberg, Holger Kraft, Robert Lange, Tobias Rothermel:
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Bernd Buxbaum, Robert Lange, Thorsten Ringbeck:
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Torsten Gollewski, Robert Lange, Thorsten Ringbeck, Holger Heß, Bernd Buxbaum:
Method and device for delay-sensitive measurement of a signal.
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Holger Bette, Holger Kraft, Robert Lange:
Transportmittel mit 3D-Kamera.
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Robert Lange, Peter Seitz:
Device and method for spatially resolved photodetection and demodulation of modulated electromagnetic waves.
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Martin Albrecht, Martin Buck, Bernd Buxbaum, Rolf Fensterle, Robert Lange:
Object`s distance measurement method, involves providing electrical reference signal to time-of-flight unit, mixing electromagnetic radiation falling on unit with reference signal and detecting delay time between signal and radiation.
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H. Riedel, H. Grünleitner, B. Buxbaum, T. Ringbeck, R. Lange:
Räumliches Wahrnehmen der Fahrerumgebung mit PMD-Sensorik in Assistenz- und Sicherheitssystemen.
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Tobias Möller, Holger Kraft, Jochen Frey, Martin Albrecht, Robert Lange:
Robust 3D Measurement with PMD Sensors.
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Robert Lange:
PMD basierte 3D-Videosensorik – Neue Potentiale für optische Innenraumüberwachung.
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Peter Ehbets, Wolfgang Geißler, Robert Lange, Frank Muth, Christopher Riegel, Frank Schumann, Loris de Vries:
Vorrichtung zur Inline-Überwachung der Druckqualität bei Bogenoffsetdruckmaschinen.
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Peter Ehbets, Peter Elter, Wolfgang Geißler, Werner Huber, Robert Lange, Frank Muth, Christopher Riegel, Manfred Schneider, Frank Schumann, Loris de Vries:
Inlinemessung und Regelung bei Druckmaschinen.
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Bianca Hagebeuker, Robert Lange, Thorsten Ringbeck:
Bildverarbeitung mit der dritten Dimension : wenn die Pixel auch Laufzeiten auswerten.
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Peter Seitz, Robert Lange:
Novel imaging gives 3-D video.
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Robert Lange, Peter Seitz:
Solid-state time-of-flight range camera.
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Robert Lange, Peter Seitz:
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur ortsauflösende Photodetektion und Demodulation von modulierten elektromagnetischen Wellen.
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Robert Lange, Peter Seitz, Alice Biber, Stefan C. Lauxtermann:
Demodulation pixels in CCD and CMOS technologies for time-of-flight ranging.
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Robert Lange, Peter Seitz:
Seeing distances – a fast time‐of‐flight 3D camera.
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Robert Lange:
3D time of flight distance measurement with custom solid state image sensors in CMOS, CCD technology.
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Robert Lange, Peter Seitz, Rudolf Schwarte:
Time-of-flight Entfernungskamera in CMOS/CCD- Technik mit pixelintegrierten optischen Lock-in-Verstärkern.
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Robert Lange, Peter Seitz, Alice Biber, Rudolf Schwarte:
Time-of-flight range imaging with a custom solid state image sensor.
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Robert Lange, Peter Seitz:
Real-time range camera based on a novel imager with demodulation pixels.
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Robert Lange, Peter Seitz:
Solid-State Time-of-Flight Distance Measurement System Based on Novel Lock-in Sensors.
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Zhanping Xu, Rudolf Schwarte, Horst-Günther Heinol, Robert Lange, Jiangming Li:
Simulation of a 3D-color vision system based on synthetic nonlinear modulation.
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H. Heinol, R. Schwarte, Z. Xu, H. Neuhaus, R. Lange:
First Experimental Results of a New 3D-Vision System Based on RF-Modulation Interferometry.
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Further Information