CSR & NGO Management (MBA) - discontinued
Management Team and Lecturers

MBA University Professors
Our faculty of Management Sciences and so our MBA Program is part of a practice and research-oriented university. All of our dedicated Professors in our MBA Program are renowned experts in their field and execute cutting-edge research. They have a proven track record of academic, research, and industry and business experience. Please find the profiles of our MBA University Professors of our Department of Management Sciences below:

Prof. Dr Katja Bender
Professor of Economics, esp. Economic & Social Development, Vice Dean for Research, Transfer and Internationalization, Director International Center for Sustainable Development, Deputy President European Association for Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
Sankt Augustin
Room: F 306
Telephone: +49 2241 865 9660
MBA seminar: Master Thesis Writing (Group and Individual Coaching) Area of expertise: Development Economics, Health Economics, Institutional Economics, Political Economy, Evaluation Methods Field of research: Social protection and health system development in low and middle-income countries, Political economy of reforms/Determinants of institutional change, Health and Development, Impact Evaluations

Prof. Dr Klaus Deimel
Department of Management Sciences (Rheinbach Campus)/Professor of Business Management/esp. Management-oriented Accounting/ Controlling/Board Member of the BRS Institute for International Studies/Managing Director of CENTIM
Room: H 304
Telephone: +49 2241 865-453
MBA seminar: Business Simulation, Business Plan Development Area of expertise: Leadership-oriented accounting/ controlling Field of research: Controlling/cost and revenue accounting, entrepreneurship value-oriented management, mergers & acquisitions business strategy, (esp. corporate and business strategy)

Professor im Ruhestand Dr. Harald Meier
Department of Management Sciences (Rheinbach Campus), Professorship on Business Management esp. Human Resource Management and Project Management
MBA seminar: Introduction to Business Management, GM2: Human Resources and Leadership Area of expertise: Business administration, esp. human resource management, and project management Field of research: Human resources management, management development, intercultural management

Prof. Dr Ralf Meyer
Professor of business administration, international financial management
Sankt Augustin
Room: E 138
Telephone: +49 2241 865 9880
MBA seminar: Social Investment Area of expertise: Business Administration, esp. International Financial Management (International Financial Management, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Finance, Cost Management) Field of research: Development of Financial Institutions, Derivate markets, Profitability in derivatives trading

Prof. Dr Wiltrud Terlau
Professor of Economics, Resilient and Sustainable Development, Director of the International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE), Department of Economics
Room: B 111
Telephone: +49 2241 865 410
Sankt Augustin
Room: Raum F 305
MBA seminar: International and Sustainability Economics Area of expertise: Economics and economic policy Field of research: International economics, sustainability economics, transformative sustainability research: urban pioneer projects, responsible economics: sustainable structures of production and consumption, fair trade, biodiversity, natural resources

MBA seminar: Electives: CSR, Human Rights and International Law Area of expertise: International, European and German Public Law, Regulated Industries Field of research: Legal framework of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development, Environmental and Energy Law, Health Care and Life Sciences, Compliance with Law, Data Protection, and Privacy

Prof. Dr Claudia Warning
Honorary Professor for applied Development Cooperation
claudia.warning@h-brs.de debuyser.warning@t-online.de
Sankt Augustin
Telephone: 0171/2821746
MBA seminar: NGO Business Strategy and Organisation, Corporate Social Responsibility; Area of expertise: Social businesses, the economics of the poor, microcredits, civil society, lobby, campaigning, and fundraising

Prof. Dr Andreas Wiesehahn
Department of Management Sciences (Sankt Augustin Campus), Business Management, esp. Accounting and Controlling, Board Member of the BRS Institute for International Studies
Sankt Augustin
Room: E 127
Telephone: +49 2241 865 111
MBA seminar: GM4 - Investment and Finance Area of expertise: Economics, esp. accounting and controlling Field of research: Sustainability controlling, logistics, business process optimization, procurement controlling
MBA Lecturers
Our faculty of Management Sciences and so our MBA Program is part of a practice and research-oriented university. All of our dedicated lecturers have a doctoral degrees, are renowned experts in their field, and execute cutting-edge research. They have a proven track record of industry and business experience, allowing them to advise companies or run their own businesses. Please find the profiles of our internal and external MBA Lecturers below:
Max Bolz

Administrative Director of the MBA Programme
E-Mail: max.bolz@h-brs.de
MBA seminar: Basics of CSR & NGO Management: Concepts, Functions and Actors in CSR & NGO Management, Politics & Ethics: International Politics
Area of expertise:
Public policy, geopolitics, international relations, global studies
Prof. Dr. Susanne Böhlich
Professor for International Management at IU Internationale Hochschule and Speaker, Trainer and Management-Coach
E-Mail: susanne.boehlich@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: Project Management
Area of expertise: Project management, leadership, human resources strategy, international organizational behavior, and corporate governance
Field of research: tba
Turan Caglayan

Senior Director Corporates/Project Finance/Funds Europe, Asia;
DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne
E-Mail: Turan.Caglayan@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: GM 3: Management Accounting
Area of expertise: Risk Controlling/ Risk Management in Banks, Accounting, Financing
Torben Dose

Associate Director Digital at International Rescue Committee Germany (previously: Digital Fundraising & Campaigning at UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe e.V.)
E-Mail: torben.dose@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: Electives: Online Marketing & Communication
Area of expertise: Non-profit digital marketing, digital fundraising, campaigning, charity gaming
Stefan Freitag

Mathematical Economics and Pro-MINT-us (HBRS)
E-Mail: stefan.freitag@h-brs.de
MBA seminar: Prep-Course: Statistics (Online-Tutorial)
Area of expertise: Business mathematics
Field of research: Video-Tutorials for basic mathematics, didactics of higher education in mathematics, online-based teaching and learning techniques
Martin Georgi

Chairperson at Deutscher Fundraising Verband
(German Fundraising Association)
E-Mail: martin.georgi@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: GM1: Fundraising, Lobbying and Campaigning
Area of expertise: Fundraising, lobbying, and campaigning
Dr. Sabine te Heesen

Member of the executive committee of ‚green energy against poverty‘ www.greenap.org
E-Mail: sabine.teheesen@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: Corporate Social Responsibility, Electives: CSR & Stakeholder Dialogue
Area of expertise: implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility, cooperation between NGOs and companies, CSR communication, Stakeholder dialogue, becoming a CSR Professional: job coaching for green jobs
Field of research: education for Sustainable Development for Professionals / Implementing sustainability in working life
Isabella Kern

Administrative Director of the MBA Programme
E-Mail: isabella.kern@h-brs.de
MBA seminar: Academic Writing Basics, Academic Writing Workshop: Paraphrasing and Citation techniques
Area of expertise: Business Administration, Academic Writing, Marketing & Communication, Online and Social Media Marketing
Dr. Thomas Koch

Director Strategic Projects at DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne
(The German Investment and Development Company)
E-Mail: thomas.koch@deginvest.de
MBA seminar: Electives: Business Plans and Pitching Session for NGO-Managers / Young Entrepreneurs of Social Enterprises
Area of expertise: SME impact venture capital fund for Sub-Sahara Africa, Portfolio Management, Development Policy in Latin America, Managing Financial Cooperation projects in Nicaragua and El Salvador (housing, financial sector, water and energy), External Economic Relations and Development Policy
Dr. Christian Kühl

Managing Director at Dr. Christian Kühl Consulting & Management
E-Mail: christian.kuehl@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: GM 2: Negotiation Skills
Area of expertise: Consultant, trainer and coach for sales strategies, Compliance Management, national and international sales and distribution
Eileen Küpper

Lecturer in English and Intercultural Communication, Coordinator of the English programme (Department of Management Sciences), Campus Rheinbach
E-Mail: eileen.kuepper@h-brs.de
MBA seminar: Electives: Diversity Management, Intercultural communication
Area of expertise: Cross-Cultural awareness, Intercultural Communication, Diversity Management
Field of Research: Evolving understanding of culture, global virtual teams, virtual student mobility, international ICT collaboration, and perception of service failures.
Norbert Meder

Former CEO/COO/CFO SOS Children’s Villages International, Autria;
Former Vice President at Daimler, Berlin
E-Mail: norbert.meder@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: GM 3: CSR Reporting Standards
Area of expertise: Governance, Strategy, Controlling and Risk Management; NGO sector, Automotive and Financial Services industries
Kathrin Mohr

Systemic business coach and co-founder of Perspeqtiva - coaching and consulting, Bonn; Former Head of GoHelp Program, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Bonn
E-Mail: kathrin.mohr@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: GM 5: Humanitarian Logistics & Disaster Management, Elective: Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17)
Area of expertise: CSR, Corporate Communications and Responsibility, Humanitarian logistics and infrastructures, Humanitarian partnerships
Naomi Potipa

Naomi Potipa
E-Mail: naomi.potipa@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: GM5: Logistics - Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Area of expertise: international development and sustainable supply chain management (specialising in gender equality, migration and refugee rights), business & human rights consultations, strategic change and stakeholder management in the Business and NGO Sector
Prof. Dr. Marco Rimkus

Professor for Human Resources and Organizational Management
University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer; Head of Maokai training & consulting, Bonn
E-Mail: marco.rimkus@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA Seminars: Management of Complex Projects
Area of expertise: Economics, development banking with emphasis on loan appraisal, small business financing, project management
Dr. Christoph Strupat

Senior Researcher at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Bonn
E-Mail: Christoph.Strupat@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: GM 3: Impact Evaluation
Area of expertise: Social protection, Food security, Impact evaluation, Health economies
Field of research: Promoting food security in rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of agricultural intensification, social security and results-oriented approaches; Social protection, food security and rural development; Social cash transfers and their impact on households' investment decisions
Dr. Dirk Weßels

Head of Project Management & Agile at Bethmann Bank AG, Frankfurt a.M.
E-Mail: dirk.wessels@lehrbeauftragte.h-brs.de
MBA seminar: Corporate Governance
Area of expertise: Change Management, Transformation, Project Management, Corporate Strategy, Business Development, Business Management, Human Resource Management
Field of research: Corporate Governance, Family Business Governance, Corporate Strategy, Change Management, Organizational Development
Further links