International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE)

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Perspectives on funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa

Interfaces Workshop 5. Juni 2024

Thursday 27 June 2024

Numerous innovative ideas for strengthening public funding of transdisciplinary research projects (TDF) in Africa: The workshop organized by the International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE) brought together researchers, research funders and representatives of research networks and initiated an intensive exchange. The results will soon be published in an IZNE Working Paper.

Intensive discussions and practical insights: focus on supporting transdisciplinary research in Africa

As part of the INTERFACES research project, an important workshop on "New perspectives on supporting transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa" was held at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS) on June 5, 2024, bringing together 14 committed participants from various institutions. In addition to representatives of the German project management organizations, including the DLR Project Management Agency, the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), representatives from the following transdisciplinary research networks were also present: the Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung e.V. and Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research.

Together with researchers from various university and non-university research institutions, they have developed and evaluated targeted measures in key phases of the funding program. These include adjustments to the usual funding framework that explicitly enable transdisciplinary research, such as the funding of a collaborative application phase or the creation of a position for integration experts to moderate between research and practice.

Interfaces Workshop 5. Juni 2024

Transdisciplinary research and social stakeholders: challenges and progress in a global context

How to advance participatory and transdisciplinary research on sustainable development in Africa? Defining research objectives with non-academic, societal actors (such as communities, producer associations or village communities) is crucial for the transdisciplinary research process (TDR). This is a central building block for addressing increasingly complex societal problems, especially in the area of sustainable development.

Involving societal actors in the research process requires a rethink on the part of both researchers and funders. In a global North-South research context, there are additional barriers to creating the necessary collaborative environment for TDR. Although progress appears slow, committed funders have adapted their funding practices to the needs of international transdisciplinary research over the past two decades. The aim of the workshop was to facilitate an intensive exchange of experiences between researchers, research funder and transdisciplinary research networks in order to identify and validate good practices in the field of public funding of TDF projects.



Building on successful collaboration - good foundation for future workshops

The aim of the workshop was to facilitate an intensive exchange of experiences between researchers, research funder and transdisciplinary research networks, as well as to gather good practices and new ideas in the field of public funding of TDF projects for sustainable development in Africa. The participants were highly motivated and committed to continue the dialog, which creates a solid basis for the upcoming workshop with African stakeholders on October 15, 2024 at the University of Ghana in Accra.

The project "INTERFACES - Supporting Development Pathways for Sustainable Land Management in Africa", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), focuses on the management and administration of natural resources. Effective land management is a key factor for sustainable development in Africa. The aim is to improve food security through sustainable land management, to adapt agriculture and forestry to climate change and to promote nature conservation and environmental protection, while also taking social justice into account.

Could also be interesting:

Forschungsprojekt Interfaces Logo

Research project INTERFACES

INTERFACES Kick-Off Meeting

News to the launch of the project INTERFACES

Teaser Placeholder

Project website INTERFACES

IZNE LinkedIn Startseite englisch

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Personenporträt Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Terlau

Wiltrud Terlau

Professor of Economics, Resilient and Sustainable Development, Director of the International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE), Department of Economics

Research fields




B 111


von-Liebig-Straße 20

53359, Rheinbach


Sankt Augustin


Raum F 305


Grantham-Allee 20,

53757, Sankt Augustin

Eefje Aarnoudse Personenporträt Mitarbeiterin IZNE

Eefje Aarnoudse

Research associate 'Responsible Economy and Natural Resources'

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


F 308


Grantham-Alle 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Berenice Fischer Personenporträt Mitarbeiterin IZNE

Silvia Berenice Fischer

Research associate 'Responsible Economy and Natural Resources', Ph.D. student


Sankt Augustin


F 308


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9813