Information for prospective students

Information for prospective students
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Kickstart Studium! Online-Infoveranstaltungen zu Studienwahl und Bewerbung (mehrere Termine)
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Are you interested in studying at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences or in studying in general? On the following pages you will find all the important information about the degree programmes on offer, locations, application, enrolment and general orientation. Contact persons at the university will help you get off to a smooth start with customised advice.

Study orientation

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Getting to know Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

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Study orientation: Choosing and deciding on a degree programme

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All degree programmes at H-BRS

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All about studying at H-BRS

Weltkugel Motivbild International Office (DE)

Studying abroad


Offers for schools (in German)


International prospective students

Current dates



Kickstart Studium! SPEZIAL - Information event on the Bachelor's degree programme "Cyber Security & Privacy"

Are you interested in the Bachelor's degree programme ‘Cyber Security & Privacy’ at the Department of Computer Science at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences? Would you like to find out more? Do you have specific questions for us?

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Kickstart Studium! Infos zu Studienwahl und Bewerbung

Online gibt es in einem kompakten Input die wichtigsten Informationen rund um Studienwahl und Bewerbung. Danach ist Zeit für Fragen, ganz einfach und anonym über den Chat.

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Tag des offenen Projekts im Fachbereich IWK

Alle Bachelorstudierenden belegen in jedem Semester ein Projekt, an welchem sie während der Projektwochen konzentriert arbeiten. Die ingenieurwissenschaftlichen und medialen Projektarbeiten werden zum Ende der letzten Projektwoche am Tag des offenen Projekts der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.

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Teaser Placeholder



Kickstart Studium! Infos zu Studienwahl und Bewerbung

Online gibt es in einem kompakten Input die wichtigsten Informationen rund um Studienwahl und Bewerbung. Danach ist Zeit für Fragen, ganz einfach und anonym über den Chat.

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Kickstart Studium! SPEZIAL - Online lecture on the Bachelor's degree programme "Sustainable Chemistry and Materials"

The head of the "Sustainable Chemistry and Materials" degree course offers a short information lecture on studying the Bachelor's degree course. Questions can then be asked - this can also be done easily and anonymously via the chat function.

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Important topics for starting your studies



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Study Financing


Scholarships and Funding Programmes

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Studying with a child

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Lecture Periods


Semester fees (Registrar's Office)

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Inclusion at H-BRS

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Information for parents (Video, in German)

Contact points for prospective students

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The Student Advice Centre provides advice on choosing, starting and completing a degree programme.


The Course Guidance Services provide information on the content and course of studies as well as (career) prospects for individual degree programmes.

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The Registrar's Office answers questions about application and enrolment

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The International Office offers information for prospective international students as well as on study visits abroad

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The HELP counselling centre provides support in balancing studies and family life.

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If you have any questions about studying with a disability or chronic illness, the Representative Body for Severely Disabled Students provides support

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Student committees: AStA (General Students' Committee) and student councils

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Language Centre: Advice on language courses