Student Advice Centre

Study orientation: Choosing and deciding on a degree programme

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The path to your dream degree programme

The path to a degree programme consists of many small steps. Firstly, you should consider your own wishes and ideas as well as your strengths and abilities. You also need information about possible study locations and degree programmes. And finally, you need to decide in favour of or against possible options. There is a wide range of support available along the way - take advantage of it!
Titelbild Infos Rund ums Studium Allgemeine Studienberatung ASB
Video der Allgemeinen Studienberatung mit einem Überblick zu Themen der Studienorientierung

The general or central student advice centres at public universities can be contacted for all questions relating to choosing a course of study.
They provide individual and confidential advice, as does the General Student Advice Centre at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.

The Student Advice Centre can be contacted in English and offers counselling in English. However, many additional services, such as career tests, databases or online self-assessments, are only available in German.


Study programme search


Higher Education Compass: Information portal of the German Rectors' Conference for the Germany-wide search for study programmes

COLOURBOX52528786-oleksandrlatkun Study guide for the search for suitable fields of study

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"Studienplatzbörse": To search for free study places shortly before the start of the semester (in German)

General study orientation: Studying in Germany

Before starting a degree programme in Germany, not only the choice of degree programme is important, but also many other factors. Whether it's about getting to know the German higher education system or about language, funding, location, visas or insurance - there are many questions to clarify before studying abroad. 


Teaser Placeholder - Information on planning, choosing and completing a degree programme in Germany

Teaser Placeholder

Information for international students from Deutsches Studierendenwerk

You can also use databases to search for events, education fairs, lectures or workshops:

Please use the tests for study orientation only as an aid and do not decide in favour of or against a study subject based on the test results alone. You are welcome to bring the test results with you to a counselling session at the Student Advice Centre.

Further information on the topic of study orientation

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Getting to know H-BRS

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Study financing


Scholarships and funding programmes



Studentin mit Eltern - Colourbox -28321684

Information for parents - Video (in German)


Offers for schools (in German)


studienorientierung-nrw: Joint information portal of the 32 state universities in NRW with university portraits and an event database (in German)

Contact details and office hours of the Student Advice Centre

Contact Student Advice Centre


Sankt Augustin


E029, E031, E034, E035, E041


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9656

Opening hours

Telephone hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 10:00-12:00

and Thursday: 13:00-15:00

Further pages on the topic of study orientation