International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE)

IZNE represented several times at the International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2024

Bild eines Konferenzvortrags, Colourbox 55086024

Wednesday 30 October 2024

Next week, from November 4 to 8, the International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2024 will take place in Utrecht - one of the largest events on inter- and transdisciplinary research in Europe. We are pleased to be represented by Professor Katja Bender, Dr. Sebastian Heinen and Dr. Eefje Aarnoudse with three different lectures and panel discussions.

The International Center for Sustainable Development (IZNE) conducts research for a socially, ecologically and economically more sustainable future with its four main research areas. Trans- and interdisciplinarity is another important focus, as the exchange and cooperation with other disciplines and practitioners often contributes to finding decisive solutions through different perspectives and drives research.

The ITD Alliance's International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2024 in Utrecht offers a special platform for this trans- and interdisciplinary exchange: educational institutions, researchers, practitioners and students from all over the world come together to discuss their expertise and findings in the field of inter- and transdisciplinarity (ITD).

Vortrag: Ivory tower or transdisciplinarity?

Arbeitsgruppe Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung um Prof. Katja Bender
Working group of Prof. Dr. Katja Bender

Prof. Dr. Katja Bender and Dr. Sebastian Heinen talk about attitudes and preferences of German scientists towards knowledge transfer and co-production.

Many German non-university research organizations - especially institutes of the Max Planck Society, the Fraunhofer Society, the Leibniz Association and the Helmholtz Association - have a long tradition of collaborative knowledge production and transdisciplinary research. However, research disciplines and methods, organizational approaches and individual mindsets vary widely between and within the four organizations, making it particularly difficult to create incentives for research teams to address current challenges through the joint production of actionable knowledge with practice partners from the public and private sectors. In order to better design these incentives, we measure the preferences of scientists in these large German research institutions with regard to collaboration with practitioners and develop recommendations for science policy based on these findings.

The study was conducted as part of the KLUGER Transfer project.

Panel discussion: Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa

Eefje Aarnoudse Personenporträt Mitarbeiterin IZNE
Dr. Eefje Aarnoudse

Dr. Eefje Aarnoudse will lead the panel discussion “Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa”, which will focus on best practices in funding transdisciplinary research in a global North-South cooperation context. Panelists will discuss what innovative measures funders have introduced to enable a transdisciplinary research approach and what needs to be done to further disseminate such measures in funding programs.

The panel discussion will provide an opportunity to take stock of the new perspectives on funding practices developed in the previous workshops in the framework of the INTERFACES project and to address a broad audience interested in transdisciplinary research (TDR) in a global North-South cooperation context.

The discussion partners are:

  • Meed Mbidzo, Namibia University of Science and Technology

  • Maria Restrepo, DITSL

  • Dirk Schories, DLR Projektträger

  • Cory Whitney, University of Bonn

„I see this panel discussion as a first step towards consolidating the recommendations from the two workshops held with German and African stakeholders as part of the INTERFACES project and discussing them with a wider audience during the panel discussion and through the networking opportunities at the conference. I am very grateful for the willingness of the panelists to participate in the conference and promote dialog on this topic.”

Dr. Eefje Aarnoudse, Research assistant at the International Center of Sustainable Development (IZNE)

Panel discussion: How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge?

Workshop Ghana Oktober 2024 Transdisciplinary Research INTERFACES
Workshop on transdisciplinary research in Ghana in October 2024

Dr. Eefje Aarnoudse will also contribute to the panel “How can research funding programs enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge?” by reporting on the workshops on TDR funding within the INTERFACES project and highlighting promising approaches for funding transdisciplinary research in the Global South.

Paper on transdisciplinary research on sustainable development in Africa

A paper on this topic was also recently published: Best practices in funding transdisciplinary and participatory research for sustainable development in Africa

Could also be interesting:

Forschungsprojekt Interfaces Logo

INTERFACES - Supporting Pathways to Sustainable Land Management in Africa

Title Verantwortungsvolles Wirtschaften

Responsible Economy and Natural Resources

Key Visual Kluger Transfer mit weissem HG

KLUGER Transfer - Climate - Environment - Health - Transfer

Themenfeld Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung Titelbild

Health and Social Protection

IZNE LinkedIn Startseite englisch

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Katja Bender Portrait IZNE 23

Katja Bender

Professor of Economics, esp. Economic & Social Development, Vice Dean for Research, Transfer and Internationalization, Director International Center for Sustainable Development, Deputy President European Association for Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


F 306


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9660
Eefje Aarnoudse Personenporträt Mitarbeiterin IZNE

Eefje Aarnoudse

Research associate 'Responsible Economy and Natural Resources'

Research fields


Sankt Augustin


F 308


Grantham-Alle 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Sebastian Heinen Personenporträt Mitarbeiter IZNE

Sebastian Heinen

Research Fellow Economic & Social Development


Sankt Augustin


F 307


Grantham-Allee 20

53757 Sankt Augustin


+49 2241 865 9699

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