International Office
Recap of TOFI-Closing Conference for Strategic Partnerships

During all three conference days, various internal and external representatives made valuable contributions and shed light on the topic of ‘strategic partnerships’ from multidimensional perspectives. The presentations and discussions created numerous incentives and ideas between the partners, which should be worked on together in the future.
Day 1: Kick-off and bilateral meetings

On November 13, 2024, H-BRS welcomed the high-ranking representatives of the two partner universities GJU and UCC to the campus in Sankt Augustin for the first time in the context of the conference. The focus was on bilateral meetings between H-BRS and the partner universities at management level. In addition, H-BRS employee Fabian Tenk presented the Centre for Science and Technology Transfer (ZWT) to the guests. In this context, an initial exchange took place on how cooperation between the strategic partner universities and this H-BRS unit could look in the future. ‘Mama Joe's Kitchen’ provided an appropriate culinary accompaniment with a wonderful Ghanaian lunch buffet. In the afternoon there was the option for matchmaking. Three guests from GJU and UCC took advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues at the Rheinbach campus.
Day 2: Strategic impulses and networking

On November 14, 2024, the second day of the TOFI-Closing Conference for Strategic Partnerships took place at the Catholic Social Institute (KSI) in Siegburg and was moderated by Christine Freitag. The new university president of the H-BRS, Prof. Dr. Marion Halfmann, opened the conference day with a welcome note. Afterwards, the individual success stories of the TOFI internationalisation process were presented to the invited guests by the two main project managers, Janina-Domenica Wörmann and Paulina Hinz. The first external speaker, Rebeca Schröder Crespillo, rounded off the first presentation with her keynote speech on ‘Cooperating Beyond Intercultural Differences’.
Accompanied by coffee and tea, all guests were able to exchange ideas with representatives of H-BRS and the partner universities GJU and UCC during a poster exhibition. Various institutes, departments, and study programs, offers and projects of H-BRS were represented during the poster exhibition. The two partner universities, UCC and GJU, also presented themselves with posters.
Suad Shumareye and Ruth Schimanowski from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Dr. Kathrin Knodel from the German Research Foundation (DFG) then presented interesting content on the topic of ‘Counselling and Funding Opportunities for Cooperation with Ghana and Jordan by DAAD and DFG’. Not only were the offers of DAAD and DFG in Germany and in the respective partner countries/regions discussed, but also specific calls for proposals, that may be of interest for the establishment of new collaborations, were pointed out.
After a short break for a group photo, a stimulating panel discussion took place on the topic of ‘Potentials and Challenges for Strategic Partnerships’. Before the discussion began, Dr. Wang Yi from Hamburg University of Technology and Prof. Dr. Tatiana Zimenkova from Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences each gave an input. The two speakers then joined the panel discussion, together with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bode from H-BRS, Prof. Rosemond Boohene from UCC and Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey from GJU. The discussion was moderated by Prof. Dr. Sonja Christ-Brendemühl (H-BRS). During the discussion, it was emphasised that strategic partnerships exist between institutions and are not dependent on individuals. The panelist Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey made clear in his contribution that a strategic partnership is constantly evolving with new topics.
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bode concluded the conference day at KSI with a closing speech. Afterwards, the conference participants travelled to Bonn, where Daniel Seibert, Deputy Director of the Language Centre, offered the guests a special view of the city with the sightseeing tour ‘When Ludwig van Beethoven was still eating humble pie’. The conference day ended with a joint dinner in the restaurant ‘Em Höttche’.
Day 3: Ceremony and concretisation of the exchange

On November 15, 2024, the last day of the TOFI-Closing Conference for Strategic Partnerships took place at the H-BRS in Sankt Augustin. Christine Freitag once again moderated the guests through the program. Prof. Rosemond Boohene opened the day with a welcome note. Afterwards, a meet & greet with students from GJU, UCC and H-BRS gave conference participants the opportunity to exchange impressions and experiences. Afia Dufie Ntiamoah (UCC), Daoud Mabrok (GJU), Tuleen Khlaif (GJU) and Jahsiel Koomson (H-BRS) answered questions and shared valuable experiences. The students reported that they greatly appreciate the quality of teaching at H-BRS, but also miss the social life from their home country. The discussions continued over coffee and tea in the Hochschulstraße.
An important and ceremonial part of the final conference was the signing ceremony. Paulina Hinz opened the ceremony with an insight into the understanding of strategic partnerships at H-BRS. Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Rainer Finkeldey for GJU and Prof. Rosemond Boohene for UCC (representing Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong) as well as Prof. Dr. Marion Halfmann for H-BRS signed a Memorandum of Understanding to officially seal the strategic partnerships The ceremony was accompanied by a one-world music project by Saico Balde and Moustafa Osh.
This was followed by a final input on the topic of ‘Digital Teaching - Experiences and Future Perspectives for Strategic Partnerships’. Regina Brautlacht (H-BRS), Prof Daniel Agyapong (UCC) and Prof Gloria Agyapong (UCC) offered interesting insights into their joint projects and initiatives relating to digital and virtual study projects. These should serve as an inspiration for the participants for further projects with the strategic partners.
The partners from GJU, UCC and H-BRS received valuable input on all three days of the conference. At the end of the conference program, the ‘Parallel Discussions on Cooperation Ideas’ offered the opportunity to conceptualise ideas in two groups in order to concretise further steps in the strategic partnerships. After a fruitful exchange, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bode concluded the conference with a wrap-up and closing. The participants rounded off the three-day event with coffee and tea in the Hochschulstraße.
All in all, the TOFI-Closing Conference for Strategic Partnerships offered the participants a platform for exchange and inspiration. The intensive discussions and presentations laid the foundations for a successful continuation of the strategic partnerships. Special thanks to all participants who contributed to the success of the TOFI-Closing Conference for Strategic Partnerships with their commitment, input, posters and contributions. Without the active participation of all those involved, this inspiring and forward-looking conference would not have been possible.
Impressions of TOFI Closing Conference


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53757, Sankt Augustin

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53757, Sankt Augustin
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