Department of Computer Science
Computer Science (BSc)
Programme content
Our Bachelor's degree programme in Computer Science offers a sound basic education in the first three semesters, focusing on the methodological foundations, systematic approaches and quality-oriented working techniques of computer science. Students are trained in analytical and algorithmic thinking and deepen their mathematical knowledge. The focus is on scientific work, programming, system development, databases and networked computer systems.
In the following three semesters, students build on this foundation and expand their knowledge of programming languages, operating systems and networks. They also have the opportunity to choose from a variety of specialisations, including General Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Cyber-Physical Systems, Data Science, Information Security, Complex Software Systems, Telecommunications, Visual Computing or Business Informatics.
Practical relevance
Methodological knowledge is applied and further developed in projects and a 10-week practical phase. Courses and projects usually take place in small groups and are sometimes carried out in an interdisciplinary manner together with other departments or companies and institutions outside the university.
Thanks to the scientific institutions and innovative companies located there, the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg science region offers an excellent framework for cooperation, especially for the realisation of practical projects and final theses.
Prospects and job prospects
Depending on their specialisation, graduates will be able to work in different economic and technological fields of the future, making them well-trained IT all-rounders and experts in their chosen specialisation.
Even after graduating with a Bachelor's degree, there are job opportunities wherever a computer can be found.
Those who want to acquire more in-depth knowledge will find the corresponding opportunity in our Master's degree programmes:
- Master Computer Science (MSc)
- Master Autonome Systeme (MSc)
- Master Cyber Security & Privacy (MSc)
- Master Visual Computing & Games Technology (MSc)
Thanks to an excellent public transport network, the Sankt Augustin campus is easy to reach from cities such as Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf and Koblenz. The semester ticket, which is paid for with the semester fee, offers students additional mobility benefits.
Study Facts
Bachelor's degree
Standard period of study
6 semesters
Language skills
Sankt Augustin
Start of course
winter semester
Semester contribution
Language skills
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Contact points
Departmental Office Computer Science
Sankt Augustin
C 101
Opening hours
Monday to Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Thursday: 09:00 - 16:30 Uhr
during the lecture-free period: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Course guidance service in the Department of Computer Science
Sankt Augustin
Opening hours
Werktags: nach Vereinbarung
Contact to the Registrar's Office
Opening hours
Telephone consultation hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, Monday - Thursday: 14:00 - 15:00
Personal consultation hours by appointment only
Dekanat des Fachbereichs Informatik
Sankt Augustin
C 101
Examination boards in the Department of Computer Science
Sankt Augustin
The mailboxes of the examination boards are located opposite the departmental secretariat (C 101).
Service Point Department of Computer Science
Sankt Augustin
A 102.1
Opening hours
vorübergehend Montag bis Freitag per E-Mail & Telefon von 08:00 -18:00 Uhr: vor Ort nur nach vorheriger Absprache
Team International
Sankt Augustin