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Equal Opportunity

Men and parental leave

Kampagne: sei ein Mann.05.24.Hillen

Be a man - take parental leave

Like mothers, fathers are entitled to up to 36 months of parental leave. During this phase, parents are released from work by their employer and receive parental allowance. According to an analysis by the Federal Institute for Population Research, only ten percent of fathers in Germany take more than two months of parental allowance after the birth of their child, probably due to social expectations and habits. However, there are many good reasons for fathers to actively take parental leave on an equal footing with their partner.

Fathers on parental leave are playing an increasingly important role in the family. They are helping to break down traditional role models and improve the compatibility of family and career. Even though it is encouraging to see how attitudes towards fatherhood and society are slowly changing for the better, there is a need for broad education to break down role stereotypes. According to the Federal Statistical Office, only 26.1% of fathers received parental allowance in 2022, for an average of 3.6 months. In contrast, 73.9% of women received it for an average of 14.6 months in 2022.

It would not only be beneficial for families, but also for companies and other employers if more fathers took parental leave. Companies that support fathers on parental leave can benefit from greater employee loyalty, a positive image and a more diverse, innovative corporate culture. We therefore encourage fathers to be active parents, because masculinity/fatherhood has many facets. “Be a man, take parental leave” is a campaign by the Equal Opportunities Office, inspired by the company Madame Moneypenny/ Berlin, whom we would like to thank for the literature references.

With our drink covers, we also draw attention to who ultimately “pays the bill”. If men take little parental leave and therefore responsibility, the traditional distribution of roles remains in place, with numerous long-term (including financial) disadvantages for mothers. Hence our encouraging appeal: “Be a man, take parental leave.”


Our transfer offer

Do you represent a company or another university and would like to adopt our campaign for your family-friendly activities? Please feel free to contact us. In terms of transfer, we can offer you an affordable, tailor-made solution.
Please feel free to contact us.

Good reasons for fathers to take parental leave:

Väter und Elternzeit-blau

Stronger bond with their children

Fathers who take parental leave still spend more time with their children years later compared to fathers who have worked all the time.
Bond, take parental leave.

(M. Tamm, RWI Essen, 2018)

Väter und Elternzeit-gruen

Better qualifications

Every second employer in Sweden says that parental leave is considered a special qualification. Organizational skills, a sense of responsibility and resilience are trained.
Get qualified, take parental leave.

(Försäkringskassan, 2016)

Väter und Elternzeit-rot

Better family finances

Parental leave for the father has a positive effect on the mother's income and therefore on the financial situation of the whole family.
Be smart, take parental leave.

(E.A. Johansson, IFAU Uppsala, 2010)

Väter und Elternzeit-dunkelblau

Lower risk of separation

If the father takes parental leave, the probability of the couple separating decreases by 25%. There are also fewer arguments about care work.
Be confident, take parental leave.

(Quelle: Petts, Carlson, Knoester, 2019)

Väter und Elternzeit-orange

Happier at work

More time with their children has a positive effect on job satisfaction for fathers. It also has a significant negative effect on the intention to change jobs.
Be happier, take parental leave.

(J.L. Ladge et al., Northeastern University, 2015)

Väter und Elternzeit-hellrot

Promoting the development of their children

Two-year-old children whose fathers were actively involved with them as babies perform better in cognitive tests than children whose fathers took on less responsibility.
Be a supporter, take parental leave.

(Sethna, Perry et al., King’s College London, 2017)

Väter und Elternzeit-dunkelgruen

More influence

Fathers who take parental leave are role models for social change. They show that it is possible for fathers to combine work and family life. The likelihood that their colleagues will also take parental leave increases by 11%.
Be a role model, take parental leave.

(Dahl, Loeken, Mogstad, 2014)

Recommended literature

Martina Läubli/Sabrina Sahli (Hg.): Männlichkeit denken. Aktuelle Perspektiven der kulturwissenschaftlichen Masculinity Studies (transcript/ Bielefeld 2011)
Lothar Böhnisch: Der modularisierte Mann. Eine Sozialtheorie der Männlichkeit (transcript/ Bielefeld 2018)


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Barbara Hillen-Haas

Central Equal Opportunity Officer, Scientific staff member


Sankt Augustin




Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Barbara Michel 2018 (DE)

Barbara Michel

Equal Opportunity Office/Graduate educationalist (Diplom-Erziehungswissenschaftlerin)/Familiy-Friendly University/Consultation Service "HELP"


Sankt Augustin


C 005.1


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin


Sankt Augustin


C 005.1


Grantham-Allee 20

53757, Sankt Augustin

Contact points

Equal Opportunity Office Sankt Augustin/ Advice center Help


Sankt Augustin


C 005.1


Grantham Allee 20

53754, Sankt Augustin

Opening hours

HELP: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10:00 to 11:00

HELP: Wednesday : 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Personal consultation possible by arrangement
